Thursday, September 13, 2007

"Why is my blog under review?"

I've been getting this question a lot. It turns out that if you didn't create a long enough post (or didn't create a post at all) when you created your blog, Blogger thinks you might be spamming. So here's what you do if you're told your blog is under review:

1. Sign in to Blogger
2. Click "Create a Blog"
3. Start over (I know, this sucks). You should be able to keep everything the same except for your URL. Consider just adding a number to the end of your URL so it stays mostly the same.
4. Make sure to post a longer entry this time -- at least 100 words. It can be about anything film-related. Or it can be your first journal entry
5. Lastly, repeat the final step from the first time around -- post your first name and last initial, hour, and URL in the comments section of my latest blog post.

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