Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Due Thursday -- blog post on first Western

In case you don't have your blog assignment sheet handy, here are some ideas for writing thoughtful posts. Make your post on the first Western we watched in class 2-3 paragraphs long:

o Discuss/analyze an important scene
o Expand on a discussion question from class, whether from a film or a reading
o Make a connection to the real world/current events
o Discuss/analyze an aspect of cinematic style important to the film
o Discuss/analyze a topic or theme important to the film
o Relate it to another film, either from class or personal viewing
o Discuss ideas for future viewing inspired by film

Your comments (at least 3) are due Monday -- they'll always be due two days after the initial post. I realize now I didn't give you very good guidelines for commenting -- I'd like you guys to move away from the whole agree/disagree thing, which basically ends up being a lot of backslapping and telling each other how great you are. Now I don't have anything against positivity, but in addition to praise I'd like you to add more of your own ideas. What did this post make you think of that you can add to the discussion, instead of just repeat it? If someone leaves you a thoughtful comment, respond to it on their blog. Look at this link for a good example of commenting from our blogs, and this one to see what happens on other film blogs. In both, you'll see a bit of conversation developing. That's what we're after here -- conversation.


Awesometown Blogett said...

I totally agree with this post. You're Awesome!

Ryne said...

I agree with John LOL! Keep up the good work!

common sense said...

I disagree. But your still awesome?