Sunday, February 10, 2008

There Will Be Blogs

So in case you're wondering what you're supposed to be doing for journal #1, I'm posting a few links to good examples from last semester:

Here's a good one on Eastern Promises -- note that it includes a link to the review, quoted excerpts from the review, and an image (the trailer). You should include all of those in your entry (video is optional, but include at least a still image).

And here's another one on Michael Moore's Sicko -- again, it has all three of those items mentioned above that help make the entry more engaging for the reader. In case you need any refreshers on how to do things like include an image, etc., here's a link to the Blogger help site, which is very user-friendly.

Also, note that the the writing isn't stiff or formal -- you can feel the
writer's personality, which is one of the great things about blogs. Yes, I know this is an assignment, but that doesn't mean you can't have some fun with it.


Joe G said...

Joe G
2nd hour

Tilly said...

Klobuchar I have a blog at

Tilly said...

2nd hour forgot that

Ariane Ackerberg said...

Ariane A
1st hour

zoe said...

zoe h.
second hour

Jessica C said...

hey mr klobuchar! i had to get a new blog because the other one didnt work for some reason! but heres the new one with the journal posted!
Jessica C.
Hour 1

twiglett said...

Sophie T
2nd Hour

Ahmed's Pottery said...

Ahmed Maye
2nd Hour

claire said...

I got my blog to work Mr. Klobuchar! finally yay!

Dubs Smith said...

Will S 6th hour