For this comment, choose a screwball or romantic comedy that you like and say a little bit about why, pointing out an element or two of the genre that work particularly well in your chosen film. For example, one of my favorites is
High Fidelity (Stephen
Frears, 2000). One of the aspects of romantic comedy that shines through here is the degree to which the male character, here played by John
Cusack, has to change in order to make the happy ending to work. He plays a mopey, music- and misery-obsessed record store owner who can't get over his latest girlfriend, Laura, dumping him. Completely distraught, he delves back into his past to "interview" all the girlfriends who dumped him previously. Only when he makes an honest attempt to stop obsessing over the past and try to grow up does a future together with Laura seem like a possibility.
A romantic comedy that i'm particularly fond of is Wedding Crashers (David Dobkin, 2005). This is a more of a romantic comdey than a screwball because Owen Wilson's character, John, is trying to stop his love at first sight Claire from marrying her prick of a boyfriend. It is up to John to free Claire from him and make the ending one where they can live happily eer after. other aspects are also those of a romantic comedy. In the middle of the movie when Claire disowns John, John falls into a melodramatic state of extreme depression where he even manages to change his answering machine and read anti-suicide books to show his loss of faith in his own life, demonstrating that both emotional and physical pain are possibilities.
Kyle Y.
2nd hour
The Screwball His Girl Friday is very entertaining as the character Bruce is continually shown as a loser. Throughout the film, Hildy is becoming more and more drawn into the world of journalism leaving Bruce to fend for him. Walter repeatedly sets up traps for Bruce leading to the multiple arrests due to the fact that Bruce is easily tricked by Louis and the Girl. Because of Bruce's funny position, this film is considered a screwball as oppose to a romantic comedy.
I liked the romantic comedy Knocked Up (Judd Apatow, 2007) because it is focused on the love between Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl but still has more comedy which you wouldn't always see in a romantic comedy compared to screwball comedies. Some elements of romantic comedies that are present are the fact that Seth Rogen's character Ben Stone has to drastically change his lifestyle to be with Alison Scott (Heigl). He goes from being a pothead to a hard working web designer so that he can own his own apartment and be able to support a child. Alison Scott represents the powerful woman in the romantic comedy because she is moving up in the world has become a tv personality for E! Television. And the whole time, viewers are left waiting to find out if the unlikely couple will end up together in the end.
-Ben N.
1st Hour
I consider (knocked up 2007) to be a romantic comedy because it brings the two opposite characters together. throughtout the film alison become more and more drawn to ben even though they are not compatible. i find this movie to be a romantic comedy then screwball because Ben has to change in order to make the happy ending of the film work. he has to read all those baby books, change his lifestyle to make it better for the end.
In the romantic comedy, The Proposal (2009) Sandra Bullock forces her assistant Ryan Reynolds to marry her in order to prevent her deportation back to Canada. In the beginning of the movie it seems as though the genre will be a screwball comedy because of Sandra Bullock’s powerful position in her job compared to Ryan Reynolds assistant job. However, as the movie progresses Ryan Reynold’s character realizes that she is not as powerful as she expresses to be and he takes the responsibility of the powerful man. On the day of the wedding Sandra Bullock get scared and realizes that emotional pain could result from this fake marriage, a marriage that she is starting to want because of her possible emotional pain she runs away and leaves Reynolds at the altar just as confused and hurt as Sandra Bullock. He then takes the initiative to find her and make sure that in the end they will end up a happy couple after all.
Kelsey R
Hour 2
Though not thought of right away as a screwball comedy, I feel that O'Brother Where Art Thou(Coen Brothers 2000) could be considered a screwball comedy. An aspect of a screwball comedy is the idea of love and romance. Ulysses Everett McGill must escape from a chain gang with Pete and Delmar in order to prevent his wife from getting married and losing her and his daughters for good. The film's plot is about love though the comedy of the film over powers the love. This is another aspect of Screwball comedy. The three guys meet some weird people oand encounter some weird things that make the film funny. These things tend to overpower the romance in the film though it is still imminent. At first O'brother Where Art Thou may not seem like a screwball comedy, but it contains many aspects of a screwball making it part of the screwball genre.
Joe S.
6 Hour
A romantic comedy that i am interested with would have to be Knocked Uo (Judd Apatow, 2007). Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl are the two central characters in which Seth "knocks up" katherine. the entire film we believe that the two will not come together but in the end they actually do. Although this movie is more comedic than romantic it is still a romantic comedy because we see the two central characters as not getting together but then they do. Throughout the film several events occur that detach us from the main plot and those events are comedic items which seth and his buddies go through. but once again in the end seth and katherine have the baby and end up together. And it is all because of the drastic changes Ben Stone (Seth) makes to make the relationship work.
Josh W
2nd hr
A screwball movie I surprisingly enjoyed was "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." It was an odd movie because the main character cannot get over Sara Marshall and to get away from reality, he goes to Hawaii to try and forget about her. When he arrives he realizes Sara is their with her boyfriend and Peter freaks out. He cries very loud and other hotel people complain about a person crying all night. When he finally overcomes her and dates a new girl, Sara Marshall tries to get him back.
The romantic comedy that I liked was the Proposal(2009). I thought it was a very cute and funny movie. At the beginning of this movie Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds worked together. Ryan was her assistant and she was very high maintenence and know as the "witch" in the office. Then Sandra uses him to try to keep her job and tells her boss that theyre engaged which kind of screws them over. Throughout the movie you wonder whether they'll get together or not and they go through bad and good times together and end up falling in love. There were a couple parts in the movie where you thought they weren't gonna get together and then other scenes where you figured or hoped they would. In the end they get married and this shows a great romantic comedy.
-Anna F
hour 2
A romantic comedy that I particularly like is My Best Friend's Wedding (PJ Hogan, 1997). Julia Roberts' character realizes she loves her best friend when he tells her he is going to marry another woman. She tries to win him back but finally accept that she has to let him go. Love is in the center of all the story but I like the fact that this romantic comedy is not a usual one because it is about how to learn how to say goodbye and not about how to get together.
Eva C.
Hour 6
The romantic comedy (The Ugly Truth, Robert Luketic, 2009) this movie is a more a screwball comedy then a romantic comedy because Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl) and Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler) are co-workers we hope they get together. He starts off just helping her get a second date because she has 10 rules that the man she dates has to have. While doing this he eventually falls for her. The whole movie they argue back and forth while flirting with each other. They are two people who are not supposed to get together who do get together in the end.
Danny Todd
Per. 1
One romantic comedy that i enjoy is The Proposal (Anne Fletcher, 2009). I liked this movie because it showed that in order for a relationship to work, balance needs to be a role in said relationship. One reason why this movie stuck out in my mind was because we all knew in the end the two main characters (Bullock and Reynolds) would be together, but there was a true threat of that not happening. With the law on one side and her job on the other, Bullock convinces Reynolds to marry her so she could stay in America. After bonding over a weekend at "Andrews" there were elements of love/hate that made me question weather or not they were going to end up together.
The movie, King Leopold, is a good romantic comedy in that the main characters come from completely different worlds and get into comical, bad situations very often. The movie mostly takes place in the 21st century, but Leopold is a man who time traveled from a few hundred years ago. The fact that he is form so long ago makes it funny because he has no idea how to live in a modern life and of course no one believes him that he hasn't been living in modern life until now. This complicates things but also brings him and the main girl character together and in love in the end. The plot puts the characters in many difficult situations and most often has the main couple not on good terms but then they come together.
Maria B.
1st hour
Kevin B
1st Hour
One romantic comedy I liked was "Adventureland." I think it represents an element of romantic comedy because similar to "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" it displays the opposites attract theory which is evident in many romantic comedy. The main character is a type of smart but kind of boring kid. He is essentially a total introvert. He falls for a very extraverted girl who is much more fun and wild than he is. "Adventureland" also has the main couple break-up and then come back together which is pretty typical in romantic comedy. One way that you can tell this is a romantic comedy instead of a screwball is how the comedic elements pretty much totally die out at the end.
A romantic comedy I enjoyed is Runaway Bride (Gary Marshall, 1999). I liked how Julia Roberts' character has been engaged to alot of men and she leaves them at the altar. A newspaper reporter played by Richard Gere is writting a story about her. Through the process of finding out more about her for his story, they both fall in love and end up getting married once Roberts' character realizes who she is and how she shouldn't change herself for a guy.
Kelsey D.
1st hour
A comedy that I particularly enjoyed was The Naked Gun (Zucker, 1988). The movie is much more of a screwball comedy, thanks to its constant emphasis on being funny by using Leslie Nielsens comedic genius in yet another classic film. Not only this, but the relationship between Lt. Frank Drebin and Jane Spencer lays fairly low in comparison to the movie's main plot, which is already ludicrous enough, as Frank tries to catch the men who tried to kill his partner, whom happen to be plotting to kill the queen of England using a helpless brainwashed baseball player. Nielsen does a great job using slapstick humor to keep the movie going, with a particular emphasis on using puns and over-playing cliches.
A screwball comedy that I enjoy is Superbad (Greg Mottola, 2007). Elements in this movie that portray the textbook screwball comedy, are the class differences (Seth going after jules who is much more attractive and a higher social class than seth) and fast paced dialouge with witty remarks such as the over used line, "the funny thing about my back is its located on my ...."
James Dean hour 6
The screwball and romantic comedy that i enjoyed was Knocked Up (Judd Apatow, 2007)because it showed that there are many steps before you can truely fall in love and be happy with that one person. The main male charater Ben Stone played by Seth Rogan is the slacker, smoker and just kind of clueless when it come to women. First there is a problem created, Katherine Heigl's character allison became pregnant from a one night stand with Ben. Then Ben has to grow up, through out the movie and they finally get together.
Although I don't watch many romantic comedies, I did really enjoy The 40 Year Old Virgin (Judd Apatow, 2005). Andy is a 40 year old man who is still a virgin and has never been in a very close relationship before. Throughout the movie Andy changes from being someone who doesn't ever go out and do anything, to someone who actually cares about having a relationship and friends. Another aspect of romantic comedy involves Andy screwing up and almost jeapordizing his relationship with Trish, but the film stays true to the genre with a happy ending.
Trace B Hour 6
The romantic comedy Easy virtue (Stephen Elliiott 2008) is one of my favorites. It’s completely different from many of the other romantic comedies in that it is more of a satire on life. The movie is based on a novel written by the playwright Noel coward. I thought the clever dialogue between the characters was well established and interesting. Each of the characters living in the household is an enemy to another, throughout the entire movie they plot to kill the other basically, while restraining themselves just enough to hide their true emotions. The character Mr. Whittaker stands out quit dramatically, although he is a mostly secluded individual who lies and cheats everyone. The plot defies expectations to rely on him changing his perspective on life, and makes for a very interesting and witty film.
-Carter G. 6th hour
One of my favorite romantic comedies is definitely The Holiday (Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jack Black, Jude Law). It's about two women who can't stand to be around the drama their living in in their hometowns, so they decide to swap houses and take a vacation to get away from everything (especially love). While they are away, they realize that they don't actually want to be alone, and both fall for a guy while in the foreign town. Along the way, they figure out things about themselves that they've never realized, which help them to move out of the past and into new relationships (with a better start because of this self-discovery). I like the irony of the whole story line, and think it's funny that they're so in denial in the beginning, but end up contradicting themselves in the end.
-Taylor T.
1st hour
One romantic comedy that i like a lot is Star Wars episode 6. The comedic couple in this film is Han Solo and Princess Leia. The element that works well in this movie is that the lovers appear to be mismatched for each other. Leia is a powerful princess from Alderran, she is strong willed and "happens to like nice men". Han is a spice smuggler, gangster and overall grimy man. He is poor by a princess' standards. She describes Han Solo as "a scruffy looking Nerf herder", definitely not the kid of person you would expect her to fall for. this film does a perfect job of showing how a normal guy can win the love and affection of a princess if he plays his cards right. although Leia might not be considered a princess because he planet got deathrayed...
^ that was greg massey in case you couldnt tell
I thoroughly enjoy the romantic comedy "13 going on 30" despite its chick flick nature. The predictability factor is quite high at the beginning of the film when we see that social outcast, Matt and newly popular, Jenna, though best friends will most likely become lovers by the end. Jenna (after being magically transported to the age of 30) has to take control in reconciling their tarnished relationship, but is faced with a difficulty when he doesn't remember her and is involved with another woman. In screwball comedies, the man would have to assume control, but in this rom-com, Jenna does if she wants her man in the end. Through many cliche, yet endearing, twists and turns, the couple reunites and the film ends in a (oh so typical) kiss.
Chris S.
6th hour
One of my long time favorites would have to be the wedding singer(I don't know when it was made or who directed it so you can suck everyone who is putting that in parentheses) starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. it is the most romantic comedian romantic comedy out there. Wedding singer loser wants to win over really cute and nice girl.
They're pretty much perfect for each other but there's only one problem, she's about to marry a rich scumbag!!!! The only way he can win her over is by showing her that he isn't materialistic and has a good heart.They fall for each other shortly after they meet but they go around in circles for the rest of the film. Because they constantly walk in at the wrong time or were told something from a friend that wasn't true. SPOILER ALERT!! Adma Sandler ends up chasing drew Barrymore's character to Las Vegas, luckily they end up on the same airplane (who'd of thunk it?). Anyways Adam Sandler sings a heart warming tune and the scumbag gets his butt kicked by Billy Idle. And they live happily ever after.
A romantic comedy that I particularly enjoyed was Stardust, based off of the book written by Neil Gaiman. In it, the main character (Tristan) is of low status and desperately seeking to marry a wealthy and beautiful woman (Victoria) of high status, but in order to do so, Victoria has asked Tristan to bring her back a shooting star they both saw one night. Through his adventures, Tristan changes drastically and becomes very noble in the new land he explores, and he realizes this love is very one-sided, so he decides instead to marry the star, who turns out to be a girl, not a rock, in which the love is two-sided.
Blair P. 1t Hour
One of my favorite screwball or romantic comedies is There's Something About Mary (Bobby and Peter Farrelly, 1998). This film fits the mold of a screwball comedy in part because of it's cast of eccentric characters, such as a private eye who at first is hired to help Ted, the main character, get in touch with his high school girlfriend Mary, and then later uses his detective skills to stalk her, or Tucker, a pizza delivery boy who fakes a British accent and Polio in hopes of wooing Mary.
A romantic comedy that i liked in the past was wedding crashers. i like the fact that it's a romantic movie where a guy tries to get a girl to like him but at the same time getting some laughs in it. Claire is about to marry another guy and john is going to stop that from happening.in romantic comedies i think they use a special type of suspense to get the viewers attention. i also like the fact that romantic comedies have serious parts and funny parts, whereas comedies only have funny parts and aren't really serious about anything.
Bonnie W
6th hour
A romantic comedy I really enjoyed was the 40 Year Old Virgin (Judd Apatow, 2005). The part of this film that makes it so entertaining is to watch Andy evolve from knowing absolutely nothing about to relationships and all of the struggles he goes through. We know in the end he will end up with Trish and it is somewhat agonizing to wait. Trish can be related to a strong female presence in the film because she owns a store by herself and is a single mother.
A romantic comedy that I thoroughly enjoyed was “50 First Dates” (Peter Segal, 2004). Lucy, the lead female, has a memory dysfunction that causes her to forget everything that has happened the previous day when she goes to sleep. Despite the fact that the outcome of the situation could be rather grim, Henry, the lead male, decides to pursue a relationship with Lucy. Given the circumstances, Lucy seems to have a more dominant and stronger role than Henry because Henry is shown always having to chase Lucy and is always trying to make her remember. Also, although Henry and Lucy’s relationship is not the most uplifting thing to watch progress, comedy is incorporated into the film, playing off of Lucy’s forgetfulness and Henry’s relentless attempts to gain Lucy’s love.
Nicole G
Hour 1
Densha Otoko (Train Man)2005 directed by: Shosuke Murakami. This foreign movie fits in the screwball section. It's about a nervous, shy geeky kind of person meeting another shy girl on a train. When he accidentally push her boss off. The way how they meet is accidental. Not like a romance and the way he seeks information on dating her is through the internet where his only social life is. Through Message boards and chat rooms. Where it shows scenes exagerating a chat room conversation in a action sequence. Yet, this movie has it tender and dramatic side. But it has alot of comedy elements in it.
Richard N. 2nd Hour
The romantic comedy that i choose is knocked up with seth rogan and katherine heigle. Every aspect makes it seem like the relationship will never work out. It can also be seen partly as a screwball comedy because it is much more upbeat and funny than your normal romantic comedy. What makes it a romantic comedy is that the two main characters come together in the end and continue there relationship where it left off.
Griffin dahlberg
hr 2
A romantic comedy that I like is Made of Honor (Paul Weiland, 2008). Patrick Dempsey plays Tom, a womanizer, who eventually realizes that he has fallen in love with his best friend, Hannah, after she leaves on vacation. When she comes back, however, she brings with her a fiance, and Tom realizes that he has to change his ways to win her over. Like a typical romantic comedy, the guy changes to accommodate to their woman of interest, and at the end of the movie, Tom and Hannah get married, and live happily ever after.
Molly E.
1st hour
One of my all time favorite movies and screwball comedy is the 40 Year Old Virgin (Judd Apatow, 2005). It is interesting to see the main character Andy evolve throughout the movie. At te beginning the audience knows that he will end up with someone and change from who he was. We see him struggle through things until the end when he ends up with Trish. Just like His Girl Fiday, we know what the end will be like, just not what will happen building up to the end.
Zander A
2nd Hour
Knocked up(Judd Apatow, 2007) in one of my favorite romantic comedies, at least of those that have come out in the last few years. The film certainly exemplifies the common romantic comedy element of an imperfect man changing to meet the central female character. I find the movie to be hilarious largely because of Seth Rogen's character. He has a knack for being embarrassingly disappointingly and lazy, and It's very funny to watch the woman carrying his child come to this realization.
I really loved the screwball comedy Knocked Up. To begin with, it was just a brilliant plot line. Come on, a guy who's got nothing but an online porn business gets with an amazing woman who has everything going for her, and he gets her pregnant. It's a killer. What happens is that Seth Rogan falls in love with Katherine Heigl after a one night stand, and she is of a much higher "class" than he is, and he spends the whole movie earning her trust and there's alot of good laughs embedded in there
Arman S.
6th hour
I liked the romantic comedy 'The Ugly Truth'(Robert Luketic, 2009). Gerald Butler hosts a T.V. show called the 'Ugly Truth' and he works with Katherine Heigl and they have completely opposite personalities. Gerald Butler's character is very out-going to say the least, his T.V. show is about the 'ugly truth' regarding what men really think about women and so forth. Katherine Heigl's character on the other hand, is very uptight and although Butler sets her up on a date with someone else, we know that they will eventually get together in the end and as the viewer you are hoping that they do. These aspects make it fit more in the 'romantic' comedy category, rather than 'screwball.'
Hamish Weerasinghe
1st Hour
When I think of the term screwball comedy, the first film that comes to mind is My Big Fat Greek Wedding (Joel Zwick, 2002) . I haven't seen the movie in years, but it's definitely one of those that has a few one liners that are memorable enough to keep with you for a long time. "Put some Windex on it." "What do you mean he don't eat no meat? Oh, that's okay. I make lamb." In order to get married, the couple must conquer some obstacles such as different religions and difference of family traditions (and sanity) which gives the film that screwball element it requires.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind goes deep into the mind of the protagonist, Joel (Jim Carrey), as he attempts to erase his ex-girlfriend Clementine (Kate
Winslet) from his memory. Along the way, he is reminded of all of the good memories, and realizes that he needs her in his life. One prominent theme of a romantic comedy seen here is the amount of change that the couple will have to go through in order to become a better one. They decide to put all of their frustrations about the other behind them and try "again".
John C.
Hour 6
well i didnt really seen that many romantic comedy's but one that i remembered that ive seen was Hitched. I think personally that this film was more than a romantic comedy because there isnt really that many funny scenes. It is really more serious because the actor Will Smith is a doctor that helps people with relationships and show them how to hook up with a girl. Will Smith then later is attracted to a woman and then he asks her on a date. Then he reads about her family history and the things she likes. The woman later finds out that he is a person that makes his living hooking up people and she thinks that he is a player. she thinks that he wants to play around with her mind. so they break up Will explains to her and says he loves her.
sherdl k.
6th hour
A romantic comedy that I enjoy is The Invention of Lying (2009) by Gervais and Robinson. I think that the ability to toy with the idea of a completely naive world where everyone is taken at face value is a great idea. With the ability to convince everyone of anything he wants, the main character, Mark Bellison, is only held back by his moral code to keep from using lies to get the girl of his dreams, Anna McDoogles. Near the end, he is even asked if being rich and famous changes your DNA. But he says no, because he knows in his heart that it isn't true, and wouldn't lie to his would-be wife.
Patrick D.
6th Hour
I have never watched a romantic comedy outside of class. No, never. You can take a point off for this, but I had to reply somehow.
Teddy P.
hour 6
The screwball/romantic comedy that i enjoyed was Knocked Up (Judd Apatow, 2007) Im a fan of this movie mainly because im a fan of seth rogan. The film is about Ben and Allison and their issues after he knocks her up. Seth Rogan is the slacker, smoker and just kind of clueless when it come to women in his role as ben. Ben has to grow up through out the movie and they finally get together in the end. Its very funny
A romantic comedy I am a big fan of is How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days (Donald Petrie, 2003). The film has more aspects of a romantic comedy than a screwball comedy because it focuses on the love between the two characters. Kate Hudson's character and Matthew McConaughy's character begin dating to further their coureers. Matthew's character has to make Kate's character fall in love with him in ten days to win a bet with his boss and land a diamond campaign, while Kate's character has to do everything wrong in a relationship to lose Matthew in ten days, and write an article about in to prove herself as a writer. However, through a series of events, the two realize their love for each other is more important than their coureers, and they throw away the opportunities given by their bosses to be with each other. Also, it strays away from screwball comedy because the female antagonist, played by Kate Hudson, is not portrayed as smarter or more dominating than the male antagonist, played by Matthew McConaughy. Both characters put each other through equally daunting tasks to win the bets they have with their bosses.
Lucy R
Hour 2
The last romantic comedy I saw was the ugly truth. It is actually more of a screwball comedy. It is mainly about Abby Richter and Mike Chadway are co-workers that everyone hopes get together. It starts out with Mike helping Abby with second dates,but in the end Mike and Abby get together.
hour 1
Jack Skinner
the romantic comedy that i enjoy in the Proposal(2009) where sandra Bullock forces her assistant ryan reynolds to marry her to prevent her deprotation back to canada because she does not want to loose her job, making it seem like its a screwball comedy because of her powerful position but as the movie goes on ryans character relizes that she is not as powerful as she seems and he becomes the more powerful character,when ryan comes back to visit her family she relizes she has real feelings for him and when it comes to the fake wedding she cant go through with it and leaves ryan's character at the alter and ryans character goes running after her and they get the happy ending they both wanted.
suzie h
hour 1
I have seen many a romantic comedy and it's hard to pick a favorite from the many over watched, over cried, and over eating moments of greeting card bliss. If i would have to pick a favorite, it would be my childhood classic, Overboard with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. This movie is definitely my fav because it has traditional aspects of a romantic comedy but with twists. Goldie is a stuck up snob who snobs Kurt's business. Karma; she falls off a boat and suffers from temporary amnesia. As a joke gone too far, Kurt brings her home to four rowdy boys, dogs, and a dirty house and makes her believe that she is his wife. The twist, Kurt changes his ways and actually falls in love with her. Goldie, remembers her past and returns to her yacht. Eventually she can't stay away from the family she has learned to love. Kurt and Goldie end up together in the end and form and happy family. They best part about this movie is that GOLDIE AND KURT ARE TOGETHER IN REAL LIFE!!! Dreams come true i'm sure of it klobs.
Sammy Soltau
2nd Hour
Even though romantic comedies are one of my least favorite genres when it comes to movies, I do have a favorite that sticks out. In the film, 10 Things I Hate About You (Gil Junger 1999). In the film Cameron is a new student and becomes head-over-heels for Bianca, the most popular girl in school. He soon realizes that the only way he can date her, is if her older sister Kat dates someone. So Cameron is determined to get Kat to go on a date with some brave guy. He ends up finding Patrick who is known as the bad-ass of the school. My favorite part of the film is when Patrick sings to Kat to get her to take him back, but it's in front of the entire school. Patrick is being paid to take out Kat, yet he actually falls for her. So its the classic plot: boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, something bad happens that breaks them up, then in the end they end up together again. All because of her poem entitled, 10 Things I Hate About You, Patrick realizes what a mistake he has made.
Jessy R. 2nd Hour
A romantic comedy that i really enjoy is 27 dresses (Anne Fletcher, 2007). This movie leans more toward romantic comedy rather than a screwball because the main character Jane, played by Katherine Heigl is in love with her boss. Then Kevin played by James Marsden shows up trying to prove to her that he is the right guy for her rather than her boss. Also this movie pays a lot of attention to the emotional state of the two main characters, Jane and Kevin, while in screwball comedies emotions don't play a huge role in the film.
Erin S
1st hour
One of my favorite romantic comedies is 51st dates. It's about a man that cant seem to commit to any relationship. He just has random flings and tells them some crazy reason why they cant be together. He then meets a local that has a condition where her short term memory is erased over night This is more of a romantic comedy rather than a screwball because in towards the end it gets really serious ad how love prevails in the end.
Alex Abernethy
I really like the Romantic Comedy Wedding Crashers also, and one of my goals in life is to be just like the Vince Vaghn character. His character is hilarious. He is always crashing weddings, which is not a common thing to do, but seems clever to a kid my age. They look up a wedding, make up fake names, attend the wedding, and try to pick up girls. It works out perfectly for them. This film is a romantic comedy because in the end both guys fall for two girls and it goes back and forth for a while until the end where everyone finally figures out that they are meant to be with each other. There is some mystery because it seems like one of the couples might not work things out. The girls always stay in the relationships and then they work it out in the end. I always like Vince Vaghn and he is usually seen in Romantic Comedies. That actor must enjoy appearing in these kinds of films, and he is really good in them. This film has a funny script based on a great idea. Crashing a wedding would not be the right thing to do, but it would be a very fun experience.
andrew D
A romantic comedy i liked was 50 first dates... just kidding no body liked that. I really enjoyed 40 year old virgin! It is similar to His Girl Friday in the way that you know that the main character Andy will be with someone and change his "title" as a man the whole movie. In his girl Friday you know that Hildy and Walter will end up together at the end. I particulary enjoyed watching the jouney of Andy trying to acomplish "the goal" the entire film...yes i love useing quotes
Tom B
One of the few romantic comedies that I have seen is Knocked Up. It has certain elements that remind me of the classic romantic comedey such as the lower social class guy falling for the upper class female. The hook here is that he gets her pregant and thus she is "trapped" with Seth Rogan's character. It is extremely funny to watch the two try and work out their problems, and, even though it is clear from the start that they're going to be fine in the end, it's still interetsting to watch them try and work out their struggles. The side characters help add to the atmosphere, and add a lot of offbeat humor to the film. The film ends in the classic fashion with the couple working it out and getting married.
Ps Tom 50 first dates is a terrific film..
Ross W.
6th Hour.
I particularily enjoyed The Break Up (Peyton Reed, 2006). Although the movie focuses entirely on the aftermath of a horrible break up, we see the characters try to get the other one to admit their mistake and get back together. At first the situation is all about spite as a result of the ending of the relationship, causing a feud over their beloved apartment. Later as the story progresses, these characters want so desperately to rekindle their love. They lose sight of how to do so, and eventually they realize that so much time has passed and they have hurt one another too much to do so. I would consider this movie to be a romantic comedy with screwball elements. Romantic in that all you want to see is the relationship to be what it once was, and screwball in that the female character (Jennifer Aniston) seems to have a more powerfull role. Also, the ways that the characters spite one another could be seen in a screwball manner.
A romantic comedy i saw that I'm particularity fond of is Along came Polly. I pretty fond of the idea how he determines the risk of the two girls he is seeing and determines which one would be less likely to divorce. But as typical romantic comedy goes he ends up with the person who the audience likes more even though has a higher risk level!
Bobby V
6th hour
I really like the Romantic Comedy, Knocked Up with Seth Rogan and Katherine Heigl. What I liked about its comedy and they way it was presented was the how the male character and the female character were presented.Seth's character is the more "lazy" type, if you will. We see throughout the movie the shift he goes threw from being a lazy, pot smoker, to an employed web page designer. The female roll is a bit different. Heigl is already a successful woman. She has a job with E! and is working on moving up to the top. Her role is typical to that of the usual romantic comedy role.
A romantic comedy that i really liked was the movie Overboard (Gary Marshall 1987). It's 100% a romantic comedy in the fact that the main character (Kurt Russell) has to go through a giant change to make the happy ending work. In the beginning he was a hopeless mess and managed to get a wife because of her temporary memory loss. Then through the movie he changes and become a better person, but the wife soon remembers who she is. Of course, in the end they get together and all is perfect!
Tommy D
1st hour
Luckily enough, i saw When Harry Met Sally for the first time ever yesterday. It was a textbook screwball comedy because you watch the two main characters Harry and Sally grow and develop, fist separately, then as friends, and finally as a couple over many years. They spend a long period of time as good friends, trying to prove wrong Harry's earlier philosophy than women and men could never truly be just friends. During this friendship period, Harry and Sally have different relationships and talk aout them openly with eachother without sparking any open jealousy or conflict, so as an audience member it raises curiousity to how, if ever, these two will get together in the end. The fast talking witty banter between the two main characters and the involvence of different significant others in this movie makes it a worthy screwball, and satisfying movie.
A romantic comedy that I like is Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Nicolas stroller 2008). I picked the movie because the main character Peter was dumped by his girlfriend Sarah. At first he is lost and is so depressed that he can’t work or really do anything, but his friend tells him he needs to meet new people and start over. In most cases this is a typical romantic comedy movie plot. After his attempts to meet new people he realizes that it won’t work so he goes on vacation to Hawaii. When he checks in to his hotel, he finds out that Sarah is staying there with her new boyfriend, who is an internationally known rock star. While he is there he ends up meeting a new girl named Rachel, and they fall on love at the end, which is better for Peter because it is a healthier relationship. This was different ending to a romantic comedy because usually the man and the women who break up in the beginning get back together in the end. Also, Peter changes for the better through out the movie, which was typical for the romantic comedy. I liked this better because it was not as predictable of a movie. The setting is interesting as well because it is not the normal place for a movie like this.
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