For your first comment, I'd like you to consider our discussion last week about restricted and unrestricted narration, and perceptual subjectivity. Think of a movie in which one of these concepts plays an important role in your understanding of it. In the comments section below, include:
1) name of the movie
2) concept you want to write about (restricted narration, etc.)
3) specifics about HOW this concept affects your understanding of the movie.
4) your first name and last initial, and your hour (1st, 2nd, or 6th).
If someone "stole" your idea, feel free to build on their ideas -- just make sure to credit them. Responses are worth 10 points and go into the homework/class participation category.
1) Fight Club
2) restricted / unrestricted narration
3) for the vast majority of the movie, the narrator and Tyler Durden are portrayed as two vary separate characters that share a similar goal but have very different ideas of how this goal should be accomplished because we only get information from the narrators thoughts the movie can be confusing at times. At the end we learn that they are really the same person the entire movie makes sense and many scenes take on a whole new light.
4) Greg M.
1) Remember The Titans
2) restricted narration
3) After the team wins the sectional game that sends them to state, the character Gary is driving around trying to find something to do, when a kid he knows starts to celebrate with him. This causes him to show-off and celebrate leading to his car accident. At this point in the movie we know just as much as the characters and are unaware of the possibility of his life-threatening injury.
4) Chris Y.
3)Throughout out the whole movie we knew as much as the characters. For the most part when something unexpected happened to the character we would be surprised too. i think because the narration was restricted it led to more surprises in the movie.
4)Bonnie W.
1) Harry Potter 5
2) Restricted narration
3) Throughout the whole movie you only find out information as harry figures them out. In one specific example where Dumbledor tells harry how he can destroy voldemort, you only find that out once he finds the answer in dumbledors memory
4) Erin S
1) Madea goes to jail
2)Unrestricted narration
3)through out the movie we know more than the lawyer on his wife point of view she generally gets jealous from a gurl her husband is tring to straighten out and was good friends back in college with she herself is a lawyer so she files a claim on the gurl and took her to jail for many years than her husbands finds out that she's no good and that she took the women to jail and he divorced her and married his good friend after he strighten her out with her problem
4) Amal J. 6TH hour
2)restricted/unrestricted narration
3)For the opening scenes of the movie, very little is explained about the world that the movie takes place in. Viewers know only as much as the main character, 9. 9 wakes up in a mostly destroyed building, with the scientist that created him dead on the floor. He sees movement outside and decides to explore. It is then shown that it is not only the building, but the entire world, that has been all but destroyed. This gives the audience a reason to keep watching, as they want to find out what events caused the destruction.
Isaac S.
1)Déjà Vu
2)Restricted/Unrestricted Narration
3)At the beginning of the movie Déjà Vu, Marines are showed returning home to their families. They are crossing the Hudson River on a ferry, both the characters and viewers are unaware that the ferry is about to explode because of a bomb. When Agent Carlin (Denzel Washington) is called in to investigate the event he also learns of a girl’s murder that may be connected. Through this point of the movie we only know what the characters know and this is restricted narration. When Denzel is put onto a special team that can look back in the past exactly 4 hours and 6 minutes and can view anything they want anywhere they want. Since we and the present time agents already know some of the clues to the crime, we know what is going to happen to the women and the ferry in the past while the people in the past do not. This helps the team solve the crime and is an example of unrestricted narration.
4)Joe S. 6th
1) 28 days later
2) Restricted
3) The main character, Jim, wakes up in a hospital coming out of a coma after surgery. Once he begins moving about he realizes hes alone and from there we learn only what JIm finds out.
4) James Dean
1) The Village
2) Restricted
3) During "the Village," the people living in the village think that there is evil in the woods which you see ends up being odd looking monsters. At this point we know as much as the characters know about the monsters. As you get to the end, the audience learns through the blind girl's father that these monsters are fake and it is simply the village elders who do not want people leaving the area to the outside world.
4. Matt H. 1st Hour
1) The Assassination of Jessie James by the Coward Robert Ford
2) Mental subjectivity
3) This movie is mostly narrated by a 3rd person, and this narrator surfaces very often throughout the film to give us details the actual characters often leave out. later on through the film, the narrator starts to give us inside looks as to what Robert Ford and his brother are thinking, particularly after he shoots Jessie James. I find that the way the movie proceeds after this point is both different and very interesting, almost as if he is telling a story, and no longer is it being acted. A find finish to an overall excellent film.
4) Blair P. 1st hour
1: Harry Potter and the Half- Blood Prince
2: Objective Narration
3: During Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the viewers only know what Harry is feeling and thinking based on his actions and the way he interacts with other characters. This objective narration keeps the viewers actively engaged with the plot and keeps them wondering what Harry is thinking. Sometimes Harry’s actions demonstrate what he is thinking, providing the viewers a hint at what Harry might be thinking.
4: Kelsey R. 2nd Hour
-The Phantom of the Opera.
-unrestricted narration.
- Throughout the majority of the film, we learn things about the Phantom as Christine does. However, in the final scenes we learn of the Phantoms clever plan to kidnap his love, Christine and supposedly be happy forever. As a viewer, the final scenes are very intense because we know the Phantoms plan... while Christine is left in the dark.
-Elle A. 1st hour.
3)In Hercules we learn our information through the narrator; (Charlton Heston)who gives us all of the information making it restricted narration. For example, the opening quote is; “Long ago, in the faraway land of ancient Greece, there was a golden age of powerful gods and extraordinary heroes. And the greatest and strongest of all these heroes was the mighty Hercules. But what is the measure of a true hero?” As the movie goes on, we start to also learn things from the singing muse’s who tell us about Hercules turning mortal, trying to find his father, and turning into a God. Even though the narration comes from more than one person, it is still restricted information leading to surprise through out the movie because we only know as much as the characters know.
4)Lauren D. 6th hour
1) Raiders of the Lost Ark
2) Unrestricted narration
3) Throughout the first Indiana Jones film, brief periods of time between certain scenes are used to show situations from the viewpoint of the people around Indiana (usually focusing on Indiana's personal enemy, Rene Belloq), even if the same situation was show from the hero's viewpoint seconds before. A good example of this can be seen after the fistfight Indiana has around a grounded plane. After the plane explodes, the same explosion is seen, and reacted to, by Belloq and his Nazi cohorts.
4) Teddy P.
1) The Usual Suspects
2) Restricted Narration
3) 27 men are killed on a boat where a supposed drug deal was going down, and only two men are left alive. One is hospitalized and barely gives any information out and the other, Verbal Kint, is left to tell what happens. He alone tells the police what happened and the viewers only hear the story from one character. Thus, we are left the believe what Verbal says. This creates suspense... can we believe everything Verbal says?
4) Tommy Dolan
1. 500 Days of Summer
2. Perceptual and Mental Subjectivity: During the movie, the main character Tom Hansen falls for Summer, a girl of mystery. Why the mystery? Due to the director's choice of jumping from day 1 to day 346 back to day 45 our perception of Summer is askew. The viewer experiences perceptual subjectivity and mental subjectivity as Tom loses his mind to why Summer broke up with him. The farther into the movie we dive the more we see of Summer and her reactions to Tom's personality.
3. This aspect of the movie is really a focus. The use of perceptual and mental subjectivity puts us in the point of view of Tom. As him, we are also blinded of the negatives and only see the positives of Summer's actions.
4. Sammy S. Hour 2
1. Across the Universe
2. Mental Subjectivity
3. In this movie, there are several examples of mental subjectivity. When the characters are under the influence of drugs, their hallucinations are presented on screen, as well as distorted images and colors. Also, the thoughts and fears of the characters are presented through their own visual pictures, this is expecially notable when Max is in recovery after being injured in Vietnam, and he dreams about death through the image of a priest visiting the hospital.
4. Dani B.
1) the proposal
2) restricted
3) during the whole movie the veiwer knows less or as much as the characters, like when andrew tells everyone margaret and his secret and the veiwer and andrew do not know how she is going to to react to the sudden act, at that point of the movie we know as much as the character. the examle i showed shows how having restricted narration provides more surprise in the movie.
4) suzie h. 1st hour
1) Dog Day Afternoon
2)restricted narration
3)The reason why this movie is restricted narration is because for the first half of the movie we actually know less than the main character. Although we do see a few things that he doesn't it is mainly just to show things like how he has a wife and kid, which of course he knows. After the point at which his motives for robbing the bank we still only know as much as the main character so it is still a total surprise at the end.
4)Kevin B
1) The Prestige
2) restricted / unrestricted narration
3) in most of this movie, there are two competing magicians. One of them comes up with a great trick, and the other becomes obsessed with understanding how it works, in an attempt to duplicate or improve it for his own magic show. The audience feels suspense in following the pursuing magician, and (spoiler) they feel surprise when they realize that the great magician had made a clone of himself, even duplicating a painful hand injury in order to fool his audience. This movie requires at least two viewings in order to fully comprehend and appreciate the delightfully entertaining plot in The Prestige.
4) Patrick D , 6th hour.
1) Resevoir Dogs
2) Restricted Narration
3) After a bank heist goes wrong, three men, Mr. Pink, Mr. White, and Mr. Orange (who has been shot in the stomach) return to a designated meeting point. There are still 3 men missing, Mr. Brown, Mr. Blonde and Mr. Blue. Initially, we don't know what exactly went wrong but as the plot progresses, we begin to see what happened from the perspectives of the different men who attempted to execute the heist. Towards the end of the film, we find out that Mr. Orange's true identity, which has been kept a secret from the other men and us, the viewers. This is restricted narration because important information about Mr. Orange isn't revealed until later on in the film.
4) Trace B. Hour 6
1) Angels and Demons
2) Restricted narration
3) The thrill and fun of watching the movie "Angels and Demons" comes mostly from the sheer suspense of the mystery surrounding the main characters. Because the mystery its self is of such an epic proportion, and because you are most likely going to feel the need to try and be a step or two ahead of the character in solving the mystery you are more enticed to continue watching the movie, even if you have read the book. The lack of knowledge given to you, gives you an understanding of what the main character is thinking( in this case Robert Langdon). It makes you feel smaller, or in a less strategic position then the antagonist, because he is obviously the one with all the knowledge.
4) Carter G.
1) seven pounds
2)restricted/unrestricted narration
3) for a major part of the movie it was restricted because we know less amount of what the character knows. we generally was learning through will smith of what happened in the past, how the accident happen that made him doing what he is doing.
basically it was leading us the surprise.
4)Tayis L
1)Harry Potter 1
2)restricted narration
3)Throughout the movie we are in Harry's shoes as he finds out secerets about the school. For example the mirror that shows a person what they desire most.
4)Jack S. 1st hour
1) Twilight
2) Restricted narration
3)Towards the end of the movie, when Bella is getting hunted down by one of vampires there is a twist when he tells her he has her mom. What happens that the viewers and Bella don't know is that he doesn't actually have her mom, he pretends he has her mom through an old movie of her moms voice recorded to bring Bella to her old dance studio so the hunter can get to her. This is restricted narration because the viewers and Bella are both on the same point of not knowing what is going happen next.
4) Jen C.
1) "The Hangover"
2) Restricted Narration
3) In "The Hangover" one of the main characters disappears after a night of partying and the other three main characters have no idea where he is. They are running out of time as the movie goes on because their lost friend is supposed to get married the next day. We know the same amount of less than the main characters because they were drugged and do not remember a thing that happened but as the film progresses we begin to learn of their adventures.
4) Ben N. 1st Hour
1) Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone
2) Restricted Narration
3) When Harry accompanies Hagrid to the Gringotts Bank vault 713 the viewer and harry have no idea what it holds. The viewer only sees a small object wrapped in cloth that Hagrid picks up. Harry asks what it is and Hagrid is reluctant to tell and seems very mysterious. Only after Harry and his friends look it up in the library does the viewer know what the true power that the object possesses. This adds great mystery and suspense to the movie (for those who haven't already read the book) because it is kept secret from the audience as well as Harry.
4) Matt P - Hr.1
1) Ocean's Eleven
2) restricted/unrestricted narration
3) During the scene when the SWAT team moves into the vault to get half of the stolen money, Benedict cuts the power so the viewers can only hear what Benedict does: the successful takedown of the vault. Then the narration becomes unrestricted to show what actually happened: the SWAT team were actually members of the 11 team and they walked out of the casino disguised as the SWAT team.
4) Jack S, second hour
1. The Hangover
2. Restricted/unrestricted narration
3. The hangover is based of the problem of having no knowledge of what is going on. The movie begins with a bachelor party and ends with everyone drunk on a hotel room floor with no memories of the past night. After that point the movie is based off of the ability of the characters to piece together bit by bit their scattered memories. This goes on until the very end of the movie where they find the camera from the night and suddenly all the activities of the night are brought to light.
4.Quinn D
1) Dude Where's My Car?
2) Restricted
3) The entire movie of Dude Wheres My Car? is restricted you never know more than either Jesse or Chester, the main characters. Even some of the subplots are restricted, such as the fact that they reveal that neither of them actually know the guy that is sharing a house with them, they assume he just showed up one day and stayed. Having the whole movie be restricted helps the viewer to remain confused along with the main characters as they run into killer ostriches, 'Dude' and 'Sweet' tattoos, Christy Boner, and bizzare alien shemales who want $100,000.
4) Tom P. Hour 2
1. Halloween
2. Perceptual Subjectivity/un-restricted narration
3. Perceptual subjectivity is evident in many scenes of Halloween, but is featured heavily in the opening sequence. Michael Myers' face and body are not visible to the audience until about fifteen minutes into the film; instead director, John Carpenter focuses his shots from Myers' perspective as he slowly creeps around a couple different houses and murders his victims. By incorporating a point-of-view shot, we are privy to his murder motives and are able to witness the whole process that is involved in the attack. Even though unrestricted narration is present, the suspense still envelopes the scene because we do not know when he will strike nor do the other characters.
1)Gran Torino
2)restricted narration
3)Throughout the film, we generally know just as much as the characters. Near the end of the film after Walt hears about Sue being beaten badly and raped by her cousins in the gang we see Walt getting ready to retaliate. It seems like he's going to allow Sue's brother, Thao to help. However, in the end Walt locks Thao in a room and goes out to retaliate by pretending he has a gun, which results in all the members of the gang shooting and killing him. Walt sacrifices his life for Sue and Thao and we as the viewers are totally surprised and were unaware that he was willing to go this far to protect them.
4)Hamish W. 1st Hour
1)Clover Field
3)Throughout the movie the viewers and characters are left in the dark on what the monster is and how it came to be. However if you get the dvd version and go to the main menu, if you set the language in spanish but dont actually click it, leave it there for about 17 minutes and a helicopter will appear in the background next to the statue of liberties head. Click on it and now, you, the viewer, will now the full story of how the monster and story line came to be.
4)Colby C 1st Hour
1. Blood Simple
2. Restricted Narration
3. The first scene in the movie we see the two main characters driving in a rain storm and having a conversation. The conversation is abruptly interrupted when the characters notice that there is a suspicious looking car following them. Once they stop in the middle of the road the car behind stops as well, then decides to go around them after a few moments. As the viewers we know just as much as the characters do at this point. That whoever was in that old, beat up Volks-Wagen bug was following them. As the movie continues we begin to find out more clarifying information.
4. Jessy R. [2nd hour]
1. the fast and the furious tokyo drift
2. unrestricted
3. it is unrestricted when we get to see shots of the bad guys coming after the good guys to try and kill them for taking their girls. we get to see those shots while the good guys dont know whats coming.
4. Nick G. Hour 1
1. Ghost
2. unrestricted narration
3. In Ghost, the main male character, Sam, is killed but he stays on earth as a ghost and stays with his girlfriend, Molly, but she doesn't know that he is with her. Sam learns about why he was killed and that there are dangerous people that Molly is around and that she is in danger. This allows the audience to know more than the main female character and they know what is happening and coming when she doesn't. It fits the movie very well since there is the presence of Sam who is the ghost and is able to discover things that the audience sees but the living characters do not.
4. Maria B. 1st hour
1) District 9
2) restricted narration
3) Throughout the movie we know just as much as the main character and find out things as he finds them out. a great example of this is when he finds out about the piece that broke off the main ship. It is reveled to him that it has been worked on by the two aliens for a long time (as far as extracting the black liquid and such) the main character did not know about this untill it was reveiled to the viewers and the protagonist at the same time.
4) Zander A 2nd hour
1) Flags of Our Fathers
3)The story of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima and the end of WWII is well known to the audience. The story is told through multiple characters. This gives the audience a number of view points on something well known.
4)Andrew M
1) The Goods
2) Restricted narration
3) Throughout the course of the movie the characters are attempting to save the car lot and to do so they have to sell all the cars on the lot. During the entire movie we do not know what is going to happen to the car lot until the end of the movie. This effect builds on the art of surprise and somewhat suspense because the car lot may or may not be bought out. We find out at the end that "Mr. Goods" has to come down to a last second sell to the person trying to buy out the lot to end up saving the company and the lo. The unrestricted narration makes us all wonder and sit on the edge of our seats wondering what's going to happen next.
(Josh W Second)
1.) Harry Potter(1st)
2.) restricted
3.) we follow harry and his jurney. When he is under the clook, and in the restricted section in the library at night. Many examples.
4.)Ann T.
1) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2) Restricted Narration
3) The way the we , the audience, view Sunshine is altered dramatically during the middle of the movie, and even more so the second time we watch it. In the beginning of the film we are exposed to two people seemingly strangers to eachother who meet by chance and eventually are subject to a set of strange occurances. Jim Carrey, who plays the lead, is confused to why he is being ignored by his ex girlfriend, Kate Winslet, and as to why she seems to not remember him at all. Later on in the film the director lets the audience, along with the main character in on the information that Jim Carrey's ex girlfriend has had her memory erased. Without switching from restricted narration, we can still view a situation differently from before.
4) Olivia K Period 1
1) Seabiscuit
2) Restricted/unrestricetd narration
3) Red Pollard the main jockey does not know if he will ride Seabiscuit in an up coming race due to his injury. The viewers learn from the trainer and owner of seabiscuit that they are going to let him ride Seabiscuit but Pollard does not know until later on.
4)Kelsey D.
1) The Proposal
2) Restricted Narration
3) In the movie the two main characters and the audience know whats going on between them throughout most of the movie but the other people in the movie have no idea. This makes it a little more interesting because the audience may tend to get more anxious to know what happens, it can also be sort of suspenseful waiting until/if the rest of the characters in the movie figure out whats going on between them etc. So restricted narration can make a film more interesting and leave the audience in antisipation.
4) Anna F. hour 2
1) The Bourne Identity
2) restricted narration
3) In the beginning of the movie we see the main character Jason Bourne in the middle of the ocean where he is pulled out by a group of fisherman with no memory and two bullets in his back. We then see a group of CIA agents who are talking about how they failed a mission. The restricted narration of the characters knowing more than we do leads to the surprise of the audience when we, along with Jason Bourne, find out that he was actually a government assassin.
4)Kyle Y. 2nd hour
2)restricted narration
3)in the movie Babel a father from morocco buys a rife and his kids take it and shoot at a bus. they shot a woman in it and the kids ran. they are only victims not villains. It tells four different stories on how the gun got to them and how other people from other parts of the world connected on the circumstance they are all in. At the end of the movie all of the four different people end up with a fate that was destin to be for them. some lived good lives and some did not.
4)Sherdl K.
1) District 9
2) Unrestricted Narration
3) Unrestricted narration is illustrated in the movie District 9 when the main character Wikus is sprayed with black alien juice. Although Wikus knows he has been sprayed, what he does not know is that this juice will turn him into an alien. We learn that Wikus will turn into an alien from being splattered when we hear two aliens talking. Wikus does not hear these two aliens talking, creating unrestricted narration. This affects the viewer's understanding of the movie because we can guess that Wikus will be resented by the world once he starts changing into an alien because everyone doesn't like the aliens. Also we know that Wikus will most likely change his mind about aliens in the sense that after becoming one, he will have more respect for them.
4) Nicole G - Hour 2
1) Elf
2)restricted and unrestricted narration
3)in the beginning of the movie we know more than Buddy does because we know that he isnt a true elf. But then he soon lears that he is human and we then know as much information as he does.
4)Paige B, 2nd
2)unrestricted narration
3)Throughout the whole movie the two main characters are trying to save their lives and also the other "special people" from being killed by being tested to become a weapon. On the main characters journey we know just as much as the characters do and we learn thing at the same time as they do, it's like we are along for the ride.
4)Danny T. 1st Hour
1) The Orphan
2) Restricted/Unrestricted
3) Throughout the entire movie, we know just as much as the main characters do about the young girl that they had recently adopted from an orphanage. However, we don't know the real truth about the orphan until the end of the movie, and at that time, we as viewers are able to find out that the young girl wasn't who she had seemed to be during the film. We learn she had kept various secrets from all the other characters in the movie, including the viewers until the very ending of the film.
4) Molly E.
1)Harry Potter 6
2)Restricted Narration
3)Throughout the movie we know only as much as harry does and we learn more with harry along the way. An example is when dumbledore shows harry some of the memories he has collected of voldemorts past.Another example is harry finding the half blood prince book and him trying to figure out who the half blood prince is.We find out at the end along with harry that snape is the half blood prince.
1)Donnie Darko
3) Throughout the movie we are given the impression that we are finding out many things the main character, Donnie figures out at the same time as it happens, but since the movie deals with time travel it can be debated that its unrestricted and that Donnie knew what was going to happen the entire time.
1)Donnie Darko
3) Throughout the movie we are given the impression that we are finding out many things the main character, Donnie figures out at the same time as it happens, but since the movie deals with time travel it can be debated that its unrestricted and that Donnie knew what was going to happen the entire time.
4) RossW. 6th
1)the sum of all fears
3)I would say during the begining of the movie everyone is basically clueless of what is happening. But once the giant nuclear bomb goes off everyone is on the same level of knolwedge and you start learning stuff as long as the main characters did.
Bobby V, Hour 6
2)Restricted narration
3)Through out the first half of the movie we know as much as bryan mills, the main character. As the movie starts to unwrap we begin to understand that he wasn't just a heroe off the streets but that he was a well trained agent. The movie keeps as surprised the whole time cause we know less then bryan which makes the viewer feel like he's fallowing bryan around the whole time.
4)Miguel R.
1.public enemies
2 unrestricted narrtion
3 All threw the movie Johnny depp was a securet you didnt know what he was going to do next rob a bank here and there get caught some how sneak out out of they and i mean they toughest jails.
4. christopher d 6
1 300
2 unrestricted narration
3 This movie is a good example of how suspence is shown through unresricted narration. In the movie the spartans are trying to fend off the persians at thermopoly and doing a fairly good job at it when you look at the difference in army size, but that all changes when a runaway disfigured spartan tells the persian king xerxes about the only way to defeat the spartans. andthrough out the rest of the movie you are in suspense in seeing if they will really lose (even though you know they are going to.)
4. Alex A 6th
2)mainly restricted with a little unrestricted.
3)All of the scenes are jumbled up in different order so we never know exactly what is going on, jst like the main character, lenard, who loses his memory every time he loses his train of thought. For most of the movie we are jst confused as leonard is. we are reacting just like leonard and seeing things just as he sees them. on the other hand, we have seen the way it ends, so we have sort of a tarantino type of effect and that way we know more than leonard. It is quite the masterpice, and very well put together. Ridiculously good!
4) Tom B. Hour 6
1) Psycho
2) restricted narration
3) Up until the very end of the movie, the viewers know as much as the characters. The element of surprise at the very end that the old lady was dead, and it was her son that was the murderer came as a shock to the audience, and was put in the movie so the audience put a little more trust into the son throughout the movie, than they would if they had known he was the murderer all along.
4) Lucy R Hour 2
1) Halloween 2
2)Restricted/unrestricted narration/ perceptual subjectivity
3) The Halloween series is about an evil killer named Michael Myers. In the original series there is some perseptual subjectivity, for example when he puts on his mask, you can see hands come over the screen and pull down a mask, and all you can see is a black screen with 2 holes coming out, just like what he would be seeing. The new movie made the narration a lot more unrestricted, and showed his mind a lot clearer, and in my opinion, made him less scary. This ended up making the movie not as good, in my opinion.
John C hour 6
1) District B13
2) restricted/ unrestricted narration
3) Nearing the end of the movie, Lieto and Damien are going to diffuse a bomb in the center of the district which will prevent it from being shot off into paris and killing millions, but little do we know that the intention for them to go their was to type in the detonation code rather than the deactivation code. This is restricted narration, as we know just as much as the character's, which the character's shortly thereafter realize and take it to Mr Kruger, who sent them on the mission to show him the bomb. They than begin to punch in the activation code, which he knows is the activation code, pretending that they didn't know, so we switch to a unrestricted narration as they finally punch in the code, knowing that they had previously changed it. This is also the coolest movie ever!
4) Jordan B
1) Sweeney Todd
2) Restricted Narration
3) Throughout the entire film an old woman continues to pop up. She is portrayed as a sort of a mad, crazy woman who is a bit annoying. She first appears on the street outside Todd's daughter's window, and again outside of the meat pie shop. There is the sense that she has superior knowledge, and when she confronts Todd, he murders her without a second thought. At the end of the movie, the identity of the woman is revealed to be Todd's wife who he thought was dead, putting a completely new twist and perspective on the story. The audience is just as shocked and horrified as Todd at this realization.
4) Taylor T. (1st Hour)
1) Blood Diamond
2) Restricted
3) Throughout the picture, the main character is out to find his son who was taken away by the rebellious nationalists. You find as the film goes on that his son has become one of them, and is rebellious towards his father. The conflits are spoken through mainly the main character, and partially his friend as well, as they seek to find his son.
4) Arman S. 6th
1. Saving privet Ryan
2. Restricted narration
3. At the very beginning of the movie you see an old man find a grave and fall to his knees and start to weep, and you don’t know who it is until the end of the movie. Through out the whole movie you don’t no if Ryan is alive or if he has been killed. But when you find out that he is alive you don’t know if he will make it out alive.
4. Hunter Carrico
1.Snow Dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2.Restricted / Unrestricted narration
3.In some parts of the movie it is unrestricted but for the most part it is restrited. In the movie SNOW DOGS!!!!!!!! the unrestricted part is when the dogs know more than the main people in the movie. but besides that the rest of the movie is restricted.
4. Andrew D. 6th. hour
1."The Hangover"
2.Restricted Narration
3.In the movie The Hangover the main character and 3 other characters are separated and must find each other before its too late. The need to find their friend builds as the wedding gets closer. The viewer knows more about what happened to them the night before than they themselves do, making it restricted.
4.Griffin D. 2 hour
1.madea goes to jail
3. in tyler perrys movie we see how madea is the boss and she belives that she runs the show and mean while all these other problems are happening to her family and she doesnt kno all of them because they finaly say to her that she has to many tickets and vilations so she goes to jail.
4. Hunter Bedford
1) I can do bad all by my self
2) restricted mostly
3) It was mostly restriced narration because, April was up stairs sleeping while her boy friend was down stairs smoking a cig. and Jennifer's brother Manny was having night sweats from a diabetic disorder so Jennifer goes and gets his insulin so he wouldn't die but Aprils boyfriend was mess up in the head so he tryed to rape Jennifer but dude named Sandino intervend until apirl came down to see what the loudness was about. but the boyfriend dinied doing it, so then she acts like she belives him so he goes and takes a bath and she tryed to kill him with a radio.
I saw it while the cariters saw it.
2)Restricted Narration
3)Brad Pitt's Character and Morgan Freeman's throughout the movie are chasing after a serial killer who go after 7 people based off of the seven deadly sins. Neither Pitt's or Freeman's character are aware fully of when the killer is going to strike and even before then they dont find out that its the deadly sins until very much later in the film. So this is unrestricted because they dont know whats going on till they catch him and even then they get blind sighted
4)Eric A. Hour 6
1)The Hangover
2)Restricted narration
3)There are 4 main characters of the movie. The man who is getting married, his two best friends, and his soon to be brother-in-law. in the movie, the groom is lost and neither us nor the characters knows where he is. We learn the clues and what's going on when they learn about the night.
4)Brianna Y. 6th Hour
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