o Discuss/analyze an important scene
o Expand on a discussion question from class, whether from a film or a reading
o Make a connection to the real world/current events
o Discuss/analyze an aspect of cinematic style important to the film
o Discuss/analyze a topic or theme important to the film
o Relate it to another film, either from class or personal viewing
o Discuss ideas for future viewing inspired by the film
o Response to comment or comments earlier in the thread
These are just ideas -- you can certainly go in a different direction. Just make sure whatever you write is original and thoughtful.
Leave your first name and last initial, and what hour you're in (1st, 2nd, or 6th).
The music changes from time to time but it doesn't always match the action of the scene. For instance when they are robbing banks the music has a banjo or something and is quite fast paced and cheery. But in other scenes, when they are surrounded by policemen and Buck dies, the same kind of happy music is being played. I think it shows how for characters in the movie like Clyde and Buck, robbing banks is fun and gets their adrenaline pumping, but it is still extremely dangerous and their fun and games eventually lead to injury and or death.
-Ben N.
1st Hour
I think one important scene was the first bank robbery because the crimes that they had committed before weren't as violent. the most violent part up to this point was the grocery store robbery but still no one was killed. this was the first robbery where they actually shot someone. this robbery showed the progression of violence since they started robbing .
Bonnie W.
6th hour
I think an important scene in the movie was when Bonnie and Clyde first met. This is the most important scene for me because when I watch movies I focus a lot on the relationship that the main characters have. In Bonnie and Clyde I liked the connection that the two had and how Clyde was always so sweet to Bonnie, even from the very beginning.
i think one important scene in the movie was when Bonnie was reading the poem. the poem actually resume what both of them are about, like their personality and what the do. it also show how Clyde love that life so much when he told Bonnie that she did something that people are going to remember him about, but for Bonnie she wanted a stable relationship that Clyde wasn't really much about.
-Tayis L
6th Hour
I think the most important scene in the movie is when clyde shoots and kills the first person after they rob the Mineola bank because its a turning point from the police wanting them for armed robbery to murder. Up until then no vilolence had happened except for the one scene at the grocery store, it is also a turning point for Bonnie and clydes relationship because it puts it to the test to see if Bonnie will stay by Clyde's side making there relationship stronger. Bonnie and clyde's life of crime becomes more of a reality and the stakes rise so much more.
Suzie H.
1st hour
I think one of the most important scenes in this movie was when Bonnie read the poem/story she had written. I think this was important because it sort of summed up the whole movie and also showed how this story had been passed along for us to hear now. It also showed their different personalities and talked about their fun relationship that grew and grew over time.
-Anna F
2nd hour
I think that an important scene in Bonnie and Clyde is when C.W.’s father has a chat with the Texas Ranger that Bonnie and Clyde took pictures with. The shots were shaky which leads to the uncertainty of the future for Bonnie and Clyde, because previous scenes show how C.W.’s father is two faced and does not like Clyde and Bonnie and the Texas Ranger wants to capture the gang. The scene foreshadows that the death of Bonnie and Clyde is rapidly approaching, and it also adds to the scenes of Bonnie and her family reunion and the poem. In addition the scene predicts that Bonnie and Clyde were going to get caught or die because of C.W.’s father, and it is made certain when he has a conversation with C.W. about not getting into the car with Bonnie and Clyde when they come home from town the next day.
Kelsey D. 1st hour
Concerning what Ben said in his first post, I would have to agree that the bluegrass music has much to offer to this film. Furing the first half of the movie, whenever they rob a bank or pull a job, the music seems to unfailingly delight us with the fast-paced strum of a banjo and fidle. The effect of this is a light-hearted feeling in which we know that nothing could ever harm our fearless main characters, as this music couldn't possibly accompany the death or even injury of anyone.
Blair P.
1st H.
When Bonnie and Clyde meet up with Bonnie’s family, the scene has soft lighting and a grainy appearance around the subjects, giving the scene a dream-like look. This scene is important because it gives Bonnie a sense of peace for the first time since she began robbing banks with Clyde. The dream-like look foreshadows that Bonnie and Clyde will not have this peaceful experience again despite Bonnie’s later attempts to lead a crime-free life. She seems exhausted by the idea of continuing their robbing and killing spree and wants to just go back to life as it was. Bonnie’s mother, however, confirms Bonnie’s fears by telling Clyde that she wants them to keep running no matter what happens at the end of the scene. Her comments to Clyde cause Bonnie to realize she won’t find peace again.
Kelsey R.
2nd Hour
I agree with the comment that Bonnie W. has made, it is true that the only violence thus far in the film has been at the grocery and the minerva bank robbery had changed everyhting. the two went from basicall petty theives to full blown robbers with murder attached to them. This robbery establishes Bonnie and Clyde as criminals and a threat to the public, and yes the violence does progress throughout the film. Ibelieve this robbery is a good establisher to what we will see throughout the rest of the robberies, its really important.
Josh W. Hour 2
Throughout the film, Bonnie and Clyde are constantly looking for their identity. At first they become normal bank robbers, but as the film progresses Bonnie and Clyde change as they become obsesed with their preception in society. They go to extreme lengths in order to be sucessful while also maintaining a positive preception by society.
Chris Y.
1st hour
In my opinion one of the more important scenes of the movie is just after C.W. Moss gets discovered while buying food and the police attack the Barrow gang that night. In this scene Buck gets shot in the arm and Blanche gets blinded. The barrow gang barely escapes only to find out that they have been followed and attacked the next day. This is important because it is the first time that any member of the gang sustains an injury. Before they had gotten away seemingly easily but this scene shows how dangerous and serious what they are doing really is. This scene is the beginning of the end because this is the start of a string of harsh times for Bonnie and Clyde. After this point their happy care free days of robbing banks are over.
Kyle Y.
2nd hour
An important scene in the movie was when Blanche demands her share of the money from the bank robbery that had just taken place. Originally only giving money to Bonnie and Buck, Clyde now takes the Bonnie's share back from her and gives it to Blanche. This scene is significant because it shows the conflict, vividly, between Bonnie and Blanche. Also, it shows that Clyde favors neither Blanche nor Bonnie, despite the fact that he is more closely connected to Bonnie. Lastly, in the shot, all of the members of the gang are visible, excepting CW. This shows the viewer that the members are all united and working towards a common goal. However, when money is brought into the picture, the viewer can easily see the group is now divided and that there is conflict occurring.
Nicole G.
2nd Hour
I think an important topic in the movie is freedom. Bonnie and Clyde fight throughout the movie for their freedom, spending most of their time running away from the police just to avoid jail, which represents a loss of freedom. Bonnie originally goes with Clyde because she desires freedom from her everyday boring life, and their desire for freedom eventually costs them their lives. In this way, just about all major events in the movie tie back to the topic of freedom.
Isaac S, 6th hour
I noticed that Bonnie and Clyde had a lot in common with the movie Public Enemies. In both movies the "villain" seems to be turned around on us. In both films we want the criminals to get away, rob banks successfully, Put a cap in that cops ass, etc. Whereas in the more conventional movie, they would have us root for the law, the guy who is fighting the fight for seemingly no other reason then that it's the right thing to do. B&C does this more then Public Enemies because we don't see B&C being consistently followed by a man of law until late in the film. Whereas in PE we are introduced to Christian Bales character early on, (who-if i do say so myself- is an ultimate bad ass). Another Similarity is that you feel for the main characters. You pity them and thus root for them. In both movies we know that the main characters will always have to run and they will likely go out in a blaze of fire rather then get away. Now, probably the greatest similarity between these two movies is that they both have totally awesome death scenes. in both movies the characters you are hoping will live end up dying,( In B&C it's B&C and in PE it's John Dillinger). I feel safe in sayong that the best and most famous scene in B&C is the ending. In the end of PE John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) is shots and utters one last word, to the man that has been trying to kill him the whole movie. Which is awesome because Dillinger isn't killed by Christian Bale (whose characters name i can't remember) the man who has spent a long time trying to catch Jonny, yet he honors him with his last words. Awesome.
Thomas O.
2nd hour
An important scene in the movie is of Bonnie and Clyde's last night in the Mosses home, when Bonnie asks Clyde what he would do if they could both be given a clean slate.Clyde had seemed well into his thoughts, giving Bonnie a false hope that he would want the same thing she would want, but all he really wanted was to get smarter at his own game. His response shocked me, as it did to Bonnie as well. This shows the biggest conflict/diffrence between the two lovers, yet you know they both mean a lot to one another because in both their responses they mention being with each other. Still, you can't help but share the same dissapointment that Bonnie felt.
- Claire V.
6th hour
An important scene of Bonnie and Clyde is the last scene where they are ambushed by Hamer and his deputies. This scene makes the movie because "it put the sting back into death" and surprised me a bit. It was a sudden halt and ended abruptly. It showed Bonnie and Clyde were no longer invisible. This reminds me of the movie "the Patriot when Mel Gibson stabs the British soldier tons of times, even though he knows hes dead. In both scenes a lot of blood is shown. An important them I think of about this scene is that when you have disrupted the public, it will come after you until your dead. A cinematic element I liked was the close ups on Clyde, Bonnie, and CW's dad's face. Also the birds that fluttered out of nowhere. I though this quickly foreshadowed an incident and I think Arthur Miller drew it up perfectly. Lastly, I agree with Ben's comment about the music. It was mostly played when they were escaping a robbery and made it seem like they couldn't get caught. Most of the time the bluegrass was playing, they seemed excited and relieved.
Matt H.
1st Hour
I think that an important scene in the movie was the very last one when Bonnie and Clyde get shot down. Despite the fact that many think the scene is shot very well, I found it to be a bit disappointing, in that it was just too obvious. As Bonnie and Clyde head down the street you can see C.W.'s father standing their acting fairly nervous, and throughout the conversation he is jittery. Not to mention, when he ducks down under the truck, their is about a five second delay until Bonnie and Clyde are shot down. I felt like the only good part of it was a high angle shot showing Bonnie and Clyde dead on the ground, without touching each other, showing how they're relationship wasn't as good as they let on, and emphasizing that they were two very different people.
2nd hour.
Jordan Bade
I think the most important scene in the movie is when Clyde shoots and kills a man when they were robbing a bank. This is an important scene because it was the first time Clyde has ever killed someone. This act of violence is just a forshadowing of what will happen to the gang.
- Jack S.
1st hour
I think one of the important scenes in the movie was when Clyde comes running out of the grocery store after trying to rob it. He's obviously startled that someone tried to kill him. This demonstrates the almost child like quality in the thoughts of Clyde and Bonnie, and how they believe they aren't harming anyone in their actions. It also shows how removed from reality the two of them are when in there adventures. As the violence progresses in the movie, both Bonnie and Clyde begin to gain a slightly more mature out-look on their actions. With the addition of that scene where Clyde fails at robbing the store, the viewer gains an odd sense of sympathy for the characters. Up until this point, the viewer progressively connects themselves to Bonnie and Clyde, you can agree with what they are doing in a profound way. Its surprising how when the store owner goes at Clyde with the clever, you feel just as shocked by the occurrence as Clyde, yet its something you would expect naturally to happen. Its because it hasn't happened yet until this point, that causes you to think that its an impossibility.
-Carter. G
6th hour
I think an important scene is when they are dividing up the money and Blanche claims that she deserves some of money. This is a breaking point for Bonnie cause Blanche has not done anything except get them shot at by police. Bonnie walks away furious after Clyde agrees to pay Blanche because she is so wretchedly annoying about it.
Tom P. Hour 2
i think the most important aspect of this movie is the relationship between Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie is ready to settle down with Clyde if they could take everything back and start over fresh. But Clyde is completely ignorant to this because he is to busy trying to make something out of his name. When he makes love with Bonnie at the end of the story. I do not believe it was out of love. But rather out of the great poem that Bonnie wrote about there story, that will make them live forever in history.This has been Clyde's life long goal and Bonnie summed it up and made it remembered.
Bobby Vinson
Hour 6
The escalation of violence is especially prominent throughout the numerous bank robberies and shootouts in the film. In the first robbery Clyde shoots a window (on a side note, he also shoots the government owned house to demonstrate his frustration with greedy American politics) and in the second, he only slightly beats up a man. However, when the duo become more skilled, they assume a more threatening and violent demeanor and even murder people that hinder their progress (e.g. the man shot through the window). By the end of the film, violence pushes the boundaries of cinema at the time with the couple's gruesome shooting. All of their actions are finally reversed to affect them and they get what they deserve. While all of the other action sequences were fast paced, this scene slows it down because their death is unexpected and as an audience member we want to savor our final moments with the protagonists.
Chris Sjolander
6th hour
An important part of the movie is the motif of pictures. Throughout the movie people are constantly taking pictures. The importance of pictures is that they represent the past, but are remembered through a still life through time. It's as if Bonnie and Clyde wanted to remember the good times when things weren't as violent and escalated, and the pictures tell their story (along with Bonnie's poem).
The first robbery involving C.W. Moss was the main turning point in the movie in my opinion. Before this point the film is light hearted and both Bonnie and Clyde are easy to identify with. Even though, and even because, of their lack of success, we side with them when confronted with the law. However this is the first scene in the film where we see Clyde in his true light. No matter how much you dress up bank robbery and make it seem okay, someone has to get hurt. This scene also helps set the tone for the rest of the movie, a much darker and realistic feel. That is why I think the bank robbery scene is one of the most important scenes in the movie.
John J
2nd hour
I think an impotant scene in the movie is when Bonnie and clyde was first meeting, because that was the start of the gang, and for bonnie it was her step to a different lifestyle
Amal J.
6th hour
I agree with Jack Skinner, the first person that Clyde shoots in the face is really when they begin constantly running from the law. After this scene happened Bonnie, Clyde and CW knew that they were stuck running from the law until they got caught or killed. This shot was spread through the newspaper and was the first time that people learned about the Bonnie and Clyde gang.
I think the scene where Bonnie and Clyde get gunned down at the end of the movie is one of the most important scenes because Bonnies poem forshadows their death together. Which gives the sceen a more dramitic ending.
i think the last scene in the movie where bonnie and clyde is the most important because its basically a cliff hanger until the very last second. it is restricted narration and since bonnie and clyde are the main characters you dont expect them to die but they actually do.
Nick Goodyear hour 1
An important scene is when they rob their first bank. they use no violence. Later the progression of violence becomes more and more. when they rob the grocery store somebody was shot but not killed. this is the turning point of the violence in the movie.
2 hour
One important scene from the film, was in my opinion the final scene, in which Bonnie and Clyde are killed. Although at first it may not have seemed particularly groundbreaking, this is because the film established certain things done in this scene, allowing them to be more freely used in movies over the last 40 years. The level of violence in this scene exceeds the already highly violent rest of the movie, in that it shows Bonnie and Clyde as they are completely pumped full of bullets for what seems like an eternity. This scene reminded me of the scene in the godfather where sunny is shot full of bullets in much the same way. It was clear in both cases that the violence achieved a purpose, it stretched out the death sequence of the character(s) to make it seem more important, which could not have been done had Bonnie and Clyde not established this new precedent.
Boone L. 1st hour
I believe a very, very important scene in Bonnie and Clyde is the scene in which the first meet. Bonnie is naked, symbolizing her vulnerability, and Clyde seems like a young fellow, just looking for accompaniment in his life journey. It is very interesting how Bonnie immediately is attracted to Clyde as well, not so much like love at first sight, but like a click at first sight. the two just fitted right into eachothers holes. Clyde needed a girl, and Bonnie needed adventure, and both got what they needed.
Arman S.
6th hour
One very important scene from the film was when Clyde was robbing the convenience store for food. Initially, everything goes smoothly but all of a sudden he's attacked by a man with a cleaver. The fight leaves the man badly injured with Clyde escaping. This encounter leaves Clyde shocked and surprised that someone would attack him, he had no intention of hurting anyone. This is also an example of the how the film becomes increasingly more violent.
Trace B
Hour 6
The last scene in the movie is probably the most intense scene in the movie, not only with the shooting but the way the scene is brought to the audience gives them both restricted and unrestricted narration at the same time. On one hand, the audience knows that something is coming because they saw C.W.'s dad talk to the ranger, so they know something is suspicious when he waves Bonnie and Clyde down in the car. But, on the other hand, the audience does not know what is going to happen, and the scene first causes confusion, with C.W.'s dad quickly rolling under the truck after the birds flee from the bushes. The audience figures out whats going on right about when Bonnie and Clyde do, and it is already too late.
I believe one of the most important scenes is when Blanche is in the hospital with an entire bandage wrapped around her head and she discusses with the texas ranger. I really loved the idea of Bonnie and clyde, their relationship, their crime, their love as you know and at this point in the movie, blanche reveals C.W.;s last name. This starts off the whole string of events that lead to the death of Bonnie and Clyde. I believe that blanche is the mistake, she always was the weak link in the crime fighting group, of course because she didn't want to be a part of it. But i feel she was whiney, she was a preacher's daughter? So what. The upstanding role you wanted to up hold went down the drain when you married Buck Barrow and his choices. When you marry/love a man in crime you are the crime.
Sammy s. 2nd hour
I think one of the most important moment in the movie is the scene between Bonnie and Clyde at the very end, right before their death. We don't know if they look at each other but they realize that they are going to die. Their reaction can be interpreted in two different ways. The first one is that Clyde can not believe that he lost while Bonnie knew it for a long time. This point of view distances them emotionally. The second interpretation is that this is their last moment together, they are saying goodbye to each other. In this case, they are extremely close.
But whatever it is exactly, this moment marks the end of their story so much more than their death.
Eva C
6th hour
I think that the most important scene in the movie was when Bonnie is reading her poem/letter to Clyde. This showed that Bonnie had some real doubts as to them making it through more and more bank robberies. Clyde seems to think that things can just go on as they are and things will be alright. The poem can be connected to their deaths at the ambush when the camera switches back and fourth, from BOnnie to CLyde. We see a smile on Bonnies face symbolizing what she wrote in the poem.
Zander A
Hour 2
I think the most important scene in the film was when bonnie read the poem of her and clyde's story. The poem reflected on how the two had accepted their fate and how they were happy of how they lived their lives. The scene also foreshaddows their eventual death. The scene is very uplifting even though it is about how bonnie and clyde knew that they would eventually die
brett S.
2nd hour
I noticed a very distinct similarity in the death scene of Bonnie and Clyde and the movie Public Enemies. The minute Clyde fell to the ground, I had an immediate flashback to John Dillinger's death. My recollection of the death scene in Public Enemies is not intensely fresh in my mind, but I believe I recall Dillinger hitting the ground and rolled in almost the exact same fashion as Clyde did. I wish I could find a video clip to compare the scenes. In both movies the characters are shot an insane and unnecessary number of times, and in both films you almost expect them to escape death. Both Clyde and Dillinger were wearing some form of glasses during the death scene (I don't remember whether John's were sunglasses or normal glasses). Both of the movies were very similar in many other ways. They both involved bank robbery and had you rooting for the bad guys. Also, Dillinger and Clyde didn't want to give up their criminal lifestyle, while their female counterparts wanted them to. I also noticed a similarity when they would hop onto the outside of the cars when trying to flee. They would just hold and stay on the outside of the car while it drove away because they didn't have time to get inside. Both movies gave you a sense that the characters were almost immortal in a way, and because of their cunning wit, they seemed untouchable. I would be really interested to go back and watch Public Enemies again to compare and contrast.
I think that the most important scene of the film is when the Barrow Gang are driving in the car, and Buck reads to them the article in the newspaper about how the cops were after them, and that's when they finally realize how big of deals they are to the public. When Bonnie and Clyde first started robbing banks, I think they were just looking for a thrill, and didn't think that they would become so widely known. But when they find out they are in the paper, they know that they are a much bigger deal than they originally thought.
Molly E.
1st Hour
I think the most important event in the movie was when Clyde shoots the guy from the bank they robbed inthe first part of the movie. Because of this event, the awknowledge from others and the poliece increased dramatically and also I feel like Bonnie made her final decision to be with Clyde and rob the bank together for a longer time. Also to Clyde, it seems like from this event, he could finally trust Bonnie and open more feeling towards her.
-Meg K.
1st hour
I think one important scene in the movie is the poem and letter near the end. It portrays both Bonnie and Clyde and attaches them both to history. The scene goes forward in a time loop fading in and out. As it forshadows the prediction as a clue.
Richard N
2nd hour.
The most important scene in my opinion would be when Clyde shoots the teller at the bank. This is important because that is when the movie reveals a whole new side of things. It shows how Clyde is willing to kill for money, it shows Bonnie is okay with his doing, and it increases the threat of Bonnie and Clyde. This scene really gives us a sense of what is to come. Nothing good. :)
Lauren D.
6th hour
It may not be one of the most important scenes in the film, though towards the end when Bonnie and Clyde are shown laying in bed together and talking about their future plays a big role in highlighting the difference between the two characters. Bonnie knows that a life of crime is only going to get them so far and she suggests they put an end to it and run away for good, where Clyde kind of looks past reality and shares his thoughts about robbing more banks in the future.
Victoria S.
2nd Hour
The opening scene where we first see Bonnie is an important scene. The way in which the producers use camera angles and close ups on Bonnie really give off a sense of despair almost. Because of the shots uses the viewer gets a sense that something isn't right in Bonnies life. For instance, on the close up of her face, the look in her eyes really gave a sense she was bored with her life. Because of this opening scene it sets the movie up for a quick change in the pace of Bonnie's lifestyle.
James Dean
in the final scene where bonnie and clyde get gunned down was a horrible way to die. But at the same time a beautiful death because they knew it was going to happen. It was shocking at first and you dont realized what happened. every thing goes slow the first time but the second time it goes pritty fast but notice somethings like bonnie is happy and just accepts the fact that she is going to die. Clyde does not accept death and wants to be with bonnie alive.
sherdl k.
6th hour
I think that one of the most important parts of the movie was when Bonnie asks Clyde what would he have done differently if he could start over. Clyde answers he would of lived in a different state then where he robbed banks. This is important because Bonnie realizes that clyde never wanted to settle down he just wanted to rob banks and run from the police. When Bonnie realizes this she just goes with the flow.
Miguel R., 6th
The scene from Bonnie and Clyde where they both get shot up big time is very similar to the scene from The Godfather where James Cann's character, "Sonny" gets stoped at a toll booth and a bunch opposing gang members popped out and shot him. They were incredibly similar in a over kill type of way.
When I was watching Bonnie and Clyde in class, I immediately thought of the Godfather. I believe that Francis Coppola(the director of the Godfather) was paying homage to Bonnie and Clyde when he made that scene.
-Tom B.
6th hour
An important scene is the very opening scene, after the picture dissolves into bonnie large puckered lips which she proceeds to lick in an attempt to even out her freshly applied lipstick. The scene sets the tone for the entire movie with sexual tension fueling violence and vice versa.
Ross W.
I think that an interesting thing to notice about the final scene is that immediately before Bonnie and Clyde are riddled with bullets, the camera flashes between the two very quickly, in closeup to extreme closeup shots. Bonnie's reaction (relatively) slowly turns into a smile, while Clyde's turns into a look of panic. But then both of these moods are compared with their bodily reactions to being shot. Bonnie shows constant spasming while being shot, and Clyde seems to merely fall gracefully, and turn his body over a few times very gently.
Patrick D.
6th hour
The last scene of the movie was one of the most famous scenes of all the times, because it was so strong for those days I mean strong by the way they killed Bonnie and Clyde and also how they show the dead bodies. After this scene everything change, actual movies are more violent and bloody, they don't follow anymore the codes that in the 60's they were suppose to used.
I believe that one of the most important scenes of the movies is when Bonnie writes the poem and reads it to Clyde. This scene effectively condenses what most movie would show as a long, drawn out scene and condenses it into a fairly quick shot. with this scene it shows B+C becoming infamous outlaws and also shows how at least Bonnie is begging to realize that their lives will eventual end in their deaths. This scene is also significant because Clyde overcomes his impotence and finally satisfies Bonnie without robbing banks showing their completion as a couple.
-Greg m
-2nd hour
Kevin B Hour 1
Bonnie and Clyde is clearly a very influential film, inspiring not only gangster movies but all hollywood cinema. A very influential scene was the death scene of Bonnie and Clyde. This scene began the phenomena of using slow motion in action scenes which can be scene in almost any modern action movie. Also the violence of the scene had not been seen before and created a new era of much more realistically and over the top violent movies. The scene itself can even be seen almost exactly duplicated in some films like the death of John Dillinger in Public Enemies. Dillinger is shot in slow motion from behind and proceeds to fall very similarly to when Clyde dies, almost like a ballerina. The scene even includes several quick cuts and a few eye-line matches to boot. In short it is easy to see the huge effect that Bonnie and Clyde had on modern cinema.
I think Bonnie and Clyde was suych a success because of the two principle characters relatablility to youth of any generation. If perhaps not in their actions, then in their desires and attitudes. Any teenage girl can resonate somewhere with Bonnie's restless, craving for excitement and a fabulous lifestyle. Any teen boy can relate to Clyde's need to prove himself worthy to Bonnie, and the appeal in fame, fortune, and excitement. To youth, this moviefeels familiar and exciting. Which is partly why it is so successful.
-Olivia K 1st hour
One of the biggest themes in the movie was that death is inevitable for everyone. There is no way to deny that we will all die at some point. This movie furthers the fact that we are all mortal. Both Bonnie and Clyde are well aware that the only way they are going to get out of the "robbin' banks business" is in a body bag. Their death was very different for the time, being in slow motion and the amount of violence. This movie expresses the theme of inevitable death very well
An important scene is the bank robbery at Mioela(sp?) because its the first heist where suspense is felt by both Bonnie and Clyde. The diegetic sound of the alarm, heard very clearly, helps portray this panic as Clyde is yelling at Moss to get the car over to them. Also this is the first robbery where shots are fired at people and the tension results in the bank manager getting killed. The audience feels the adrenaline of Bonnie and Clyde in their frenzy and it causes tension and suprise when Clyde fires the gun at the managers head. Sound is a giant factor in the progression of this particular scene.
I think the most significant scene is when Bonnie asks Clyde if he could have done it all over, what he would have done differently, because it tells us a lot about both of them. Bonnie was hoping for a response in which Clyde would have said he would have never robbed anyone and got married with her instead, however, Clyde responds with how he would have used a different strategy to rob the banks and how he would have used a smarter approach. Bonnie's question shows us that all she really wanted was to get away from her life that was going nowhere, but she wasn't really meant to be held up in this big of a mess. Whereas Clyde's response shows us that this situation was inevitable for him.
In the scene where Clyde is robbing the grocery store and the man tries to sneak up behind him and hit him with the meat cleaver, to me is foreshadowing for how Bonnie and Clyde are going to die at the end of the movie. How for them to be brought to justice they are going to have to be killed and they will have to do it with out them knowing it. Also it shows that some people are going to try and stop them so they will have to do things they might not want to do if they still want to rob banks and commit crimes.
a important scene was the second bank they robbed bonnie and clyde went in not just clyde so they looked like a team not just clyde doing everying alone.
from what i saw in the movie the most important scene was when when bonnie wrote that poem because it was the start of downfall thouhght process witch leads to death of Bonnie and Clyde.
-hunter b
2nd hour
I would say that the most important scene would be when Blanche was in the police station and telling the officers that the person from the Barrow gang that they didn't know was C.W. Moss. If she didn't rat out his name then Bonnie and Clyde would most likly be able to take more banks and live happily ever after.
Nick G
2 HR.
the most important scene in the film would be when Blache ratted on the Barrow gang by giving out C.W. moss' name to the police force. If she didn't give out his name then most likly Bonnie and Clyde would be living happly ever after, or at least been able to rob a couple more banks and get more of a paper trail.
Nick G.
2nd HR.
What I liked about this movie is that it was based on a true story and that it was a good choice of characters for a film. Based on this film, all of them lived in a very interesting time. One part I liked about this film was that it's not your typical film, and that it's based on something that actually did happen. You dont really hear that often about people robbing banks, especially couples,so I guess it got my attention. One thing I didn't like about it was that Blanche never shut up about anything and that she always had to voice her opinion on things. I know some people like Blanche, so she is a realistic character, but I usually try to stay away from them.
Andrew D 6th hour
Bonnie and Clyde relates to the latest Clint Eastwood movie Gran Torino. Bonnie and Clyde was the first graphically violent movie of its time. This is shown especially in the last scene where the main characters were rained upon with bullets. In the last scene of Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood was also showered with bullets from multiple guns. Also, Bonnie and Clyde was very sexually explicit, and had many scenes that dealt with sexuality. In Gran Torino, the asian girl was raiped by her own cousins, which is another very uncomfortable sexual topic.
Lucy R.
1st hour
I feel that in current times our society is struggling economically and that this movie applies more than ever because of this.Bonnie and Clyde once more represent the rebel outcasts who refuse to be crushed by the pervasive power of bad times and a bad economy.
period 1
Quinn D
In my opinion, in the movie Bonnie and Clyde, one of the most important scenes is when Bonnie and clyde are in Mr. Moss' home and Bonnie asks Clyde if got a clean slate what he would do. Bonnie is happy to hear that Clyde said he would like to do things differently, but when he mentions how, she becomes upset. Clyde explains to her that he would still want to Rob banks, but not in the state that he lived in, just the neighboring states. He said that in the area he lived in he would want to be well known for being a good guy so poeple wouldn't suspect him.
Brianna Y.
6th Hour
I think the most important scene in the movie is the part where Bonnie writes the poem about her and clyde. The last scene is also important but the poem scene foreshadows the end of the movie. Not only does it foreshadow but it tells the whole tale. The poem starts off seemingly genuine and nice but then it takes a darker turn with the last line being, "Death to bonnie and Clyde". that last sentence kind of throws you back and makes you realize what the only outcome for the two of them is.
Colby C
hour 1
I HATE to talk about politics, but here goes. This is a hypothetical situation.
Now, I sincerely hope that Obama and his administration can bring our current economy under control. But say they don't, and the economy goes down even further than it did in Q4 '08. If all of America's banks fail, and the dollar becomes worthless, will people like Bonnie and Clyde take initiative? and more importantly, will they be glamorized for it? Bonnie and Clyde are American folk heroes in an odd way- they killed policemen, robbed banks and somehow gave people inspiration in the process. I'm not calling them "evil" per se, but much of what they do is more than morally questionable. If a group of people in this bleak hypothetical future do the same, will they, too, be lauded as heroes fighting against the establishment"? or villainized as "greedy, murderous thugs"? It's an interesting prospect.
Teddy Puckett, hour 6 (sorry!)
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