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My Darling Clementine got shortchanged a bit because of the schedule, so I'd like for you to say something interesting here about one of the important themes of this film -- the conflict between wilderness and civilization. Almost all Westerns deal with this theme somehow because they take place during a time in American history when an old way of life was giving way to a new one, bringing with it welcome progress or more problems, depending on your point of view. You can directly address the question from the viewing guide if you'd like, but there are plenty of other ways to approach this -- you could talk about a specific scene or character that illuminates this theme as well. As always, leave your first name and last initial, plus your hour.
Here are some sub-conflicts that play out under the main conflict of wilderness and civilization that could be topics for you to address. The first word in each pair is for "wilderness," the second is for "civilization":
- individual vs. community
- freedom vs. restriction
- honor vs. institutions
- integrity vs. compromise
- self-interest vs. social responsibility
- nature vs. culture
- purity vs. corruption
- experience vs. knowledge
- pragmatism vs. idealism
- brutalization vs. refinement
- savagery vs. humanity
- The West vs. The East
- equality vs. class
- agrarianism vs. industrialism
- tradition vs. change
- the past vs. the future
(list courtesy of "Authorship and Genre: Notes on the Western" by Jim Kitses)
The conflict between Wilderness and Civilization in My Darling Clementine took the form of purity vs corruption. Corruption in the form of the Clantons, and Tombstone, and justice and purity in the form of Clementine and Wyatt. Wyatt and his brothers first, obviously stood for Wilderness when they were first shown moving cattle across Monument Valley. They were first filmed in this great landscape so that the audience would associate them with nature and the freedom of the land instead of the corruption of civilization. When the Clantons are first shown they are in a run down wagon, straight out of a hellish town called Tombstone, the epitomy of the corruption of society. When the Clantons kill Wyatts brother, he takes it apon himself to not only seek revenge on the Clantons but simultaneously restore order in Tombstone. In the end, wilderness and purity trimuphs over civilization and corruption, when Wyatt demolishes the Clantons at the OK corral.
Olivia K Hour 1
Kevin B
Hour. 1
I think that the film depicts the conflict of wilderness vs. civilization as an unstoppable wave of change, where civilization is the change and wilderness is the old institution. In this way anything that belongs to the old institution must adapt to the change or be destroyed. This can be represented by the characters in the film. For example Wyatt Earp is a character that successfully adapts to the change by becoming more civilized. The change in Wyatt can be seen throughout the film as he shaves his mustache, changed his clothes, got a haircut, etc. Another way in which Wyatt's change is illustrated is through Wyatt becoming more socially integrated, he begins interacting with the townspeople and even attends a dance. A contrasting character is Old Man Clanton. Clanton doesn't adapt to the change and is destroyed by it. Throughout the film the setting becomes more civilized as the citizens of tombstone begin to tolerate less old fashioned and wild antics, but Clanton does not realize this and instead continues to act as he always has. In the end his inability to adapt gets the better of him and he is destroyed by the change.
I think that in My Darling Clementine the conflict of Wilderness vs. Civilization is based on freedom vs. restriction. For a long time Wyatt was a famous sheriff but in his own battle of freedom vs. restriction, he decided that he would rather be free and raise cattle with his brothers so gave up his job as a sheriff. Once he and his siblings reached tombstone though, this conflict was reignited by his brother being killed. At this part the restriction won the battle because he stayed in tombstone as the sheriff in order to avenge his brother but ended up doing much more than that in order to help the town. However, after avenging his brother the conflict arose again and this time freedom won. Wyatt decided to resume his nomadic ways and left Tombstone and his darling Clementine.
Kyle Y.
2nd Hour
When discussing the theme; Wilderness v. civilization in the movie, My Darling Clementine I think of a specific scene. When the brothers first arrive in the town, Wyatt looking for a shave, there is a constant stream of chaos. I consider Wyatt to represent Wilderness that has been tamed for the time being as marshal. Part motive for his revenge, part motive to re-taste his old life for one more time? Through out the rest of the movie, we see Wyatt avoiding guns, a symbol of civilization. In the end, when he rides off into the landscape away from his darling Clementine. He is not only leaving a love, but a life of morals that he doesn't abide by. In this opinion I believe that Wilderness won, and civilization was never able to corrupt his free spirit.
Sammy S.
2nd Hour
I think that the form of Wilderness V Civilization took the form of Purity V Corruption. We see purity illustrated through not only Wyatt and his brothers, but also through people like Clementine. On the other hand there is the Clanton group as well as a little bit of Doc Holiday. The Clantons, when the audience first meets them, are on a run down wagon and look like trash. The director also uses sort of ominous music as well to introduce them as bad characters. We also learn that the Clantons come from the town of Tombstone, a town that revolves around crime and corruption. At the end of the movie we not only see that the Clantons die the death they had coming, but Doc Holiday also dies in the gunfight at the OK corral. This just shows that wilderness and purity won over corruption and civilization.
~Zander A
Hour 2
I think that in My Darline Clementine the conflict between Wilderness and Civilization took the form of freedom vs. restriction. In the movie, Wyatt decided that although he would rather be wild and free, that it was more important to avenge his brother and live in civilization and be restricted. However, after his brother was defended, he decided that the restricted civilization life still wasn't for him, and chose to live wild and free again, and leave the city of Tombstone, and the love of his life Clementine, in the dust. So although Wyatt temporarily chose to deal with civilization and restriction, his instict of being wild and free won out in the end.
Lucy R Hour 2
In "My Darling Clementie" wilderness and civilization is potrayed in the sense that the calm, laid back atmosphere and freedom of the wilderness can tame, bring justice and form a more tightly fit community of a civilization. When Wyatt and his brothers are first introduced to the audience as laid back cattle men just trying to do their job. Where as, the Clanton's first appear to us as up to no good, and as future conflict within the story. Once Wyatt is appointed the new Marshall, a ensence of relief is laid across the town, for the civilians believe that his different(wilderness, laid back, fair to all, ect) view of life can affect and change the way of life in Tombstone. Once Wyatt kills the Clantons for the revenge of his brothers, the audience can see how the fairness and justice system of the wilderness brought some peace and democracy to the town of Tombstone. Even though a conflict between the wilderness and civilization atmosphere is resent, we can also see how one way of life can enhance and better another way of life, even though they are seen as complete opposites.
Claire V.
6th hr.
In My Darling Clementine, the conflict between wilderness and civilization is best defined by Wyatt's need to be an individual that's freethinking compared to someone who's part of a community that is shackled by civilization. The community has its boundaries on what it can and cannot do, whereas the individual can do whatever they like. This put Wyatt in a tricky spot, because although he wanted to be a unique individual, the need to become "civilized" into a community was a necessity to avenge his brother. In the end, Wyatt's individualistic nature succeeded over the necessity of a community, because Wyatt ends up leaving the representation of community, the town of Tombstone, in order to pursue whatever he sees fit to do.
In My Darling Clementine, the theme of Wilderness and Civilization took the form of the West vs. the East. The west was considered the townspeople of Tombstone and how they portrayed the typical Wild West as dangerous. Through the scene of Wyatt at the saloon, playing poker shows how they are in a place filled with danger, and uncertainty of the everyday life. The East was considered more proper, and educated. Clementine resembled the east because of the way she dressed, acted and eventually began a school. As was shown through the one of the later scenes in the movie when Wyatt was saying good bye to her, Clementine stated that she was going to start a school and educate the children on Tombstone. Also her costume and make-up were more sophisticated than the dressing style of the West.
Kelsey D.
1st hour.
In the film, the conflict between wilderness v. civilization is portrayed by wyatt and his brothers and the clantons. wyatt is civilized and is more calm. You can see this in the first scene when wyatt and his brothers went to the barbers to get a shave. on the other hand the clantons portray the wilderness becaue when they first appear you get a sense of violence. wyatt ends up leaving the town of tombstone which shows that he's not cut out for all the change that has happened and decides to go his own way again.
Bonnie W
6th hour
In My Darling Clementine, the conflict of Wilderness vs. Civilization takes the form of Self-interest vs. Social Responsibility. Initially, Wyatt Earp takes the sheriff job as a way of avenging his brother's death. However, later in the movie, Wyatt's motivation for doing his job become more based around helping others, and helping the community to develop. This is shown, for example, in the scene where Wyatt and Clementine dance. The scene shows the beginnings of real civilization in Tombstone against the harsh desert, as well as Wyatt's attraction to Clementine, which was likely a large factor in his change in motivation. Wyatt's change from attempting to avenge his brother's death to attempting to protect the citizens of Tombstone is an excellent example of Self-interest vs. Social Responsibility.
Isaac S. Hour 6
Greg M.
2nd hour
When discussing the theme of Wilderness vs Civilization in My Darling Clementine, it takes the form of Selfishness vs Selflessness. When Wyatt goes into town and is offered the sheriff job, he selfishly turns down the opportunity to help out the community because he doesn't want the inconvenience. Once his brother dies however, he takes the job just so he can pursue his personal vendetta. Then as soon as he has satisfied his grudge he leaves the town even though it is getting quite nice. He also leaves Clementine who is in love with him just cause he doesn't want to have to keep being sherriff
When discussing the theme of Wilderness vs Civilization in My Darling Clementine, it takes the form of Selfishness vs Selflessness. When Wyatt's little brother is killed
I think that civilization wins over tombstone because the city is building a church and a school house. I also think that whe Wyatt leaves at the end of the movie just as tombstone is starting to get cleaned up. He stays in the catagory of wilderness. He leaves the new civilzation of tombstone to go home though the desert to tell his father what happened to his brothers. In the case of Wyatt vs. Clementine i think that they are on opposite ends of the spectrum Clementine stays in tombstone to teach at the new school house and Wyatt goes back home.
Danny T. Hour 1
In the movie My Darling Clementine Wilderness VS Civilization took the form of purity VS Corruption. I believe corruption would take the form of Doc Holiday basically giving up his life by drinking and deciding to risk his life to go after the Clantons. Another example would be the Clantons turning on Tombstone because the death of their brother. Purity is shown in the character Clementine because she is so innocent and almost angelic like compared to Chihuahua. In the end, I think it boils down to purity VS corruption.
Lauren D
6th hour
In "My Darling Clementine" was based on the conflict of Wilderness vs.
Civilization. But I say that because Wyatt was introduced as quiet guy but he
has to take the Marshall job knowing that it was because of his bother’s death he took it. And the Clantons first appear to be the bad guys and later conflict in the movie. However, later in the movie, it happen that Wyatt's did this to become more helpful for the town people, and helping people in the community bring them to civilization. But as soon as he Wyatt kills the Clantons for the revenge of his bother he leaves town and brought some peace to Tombstone.
tayis L
6 hr
Wilderness versus civilization, in the film, "My Darling Clementine" is also coupled with the developments of the past and future. Tombstone is a very isolated town in the west, one that abides by very traditional values. When they construct a new church it is a step forward into the future in becoming more civilized and tight-knit community. Similarly, Wyatt becomes civilized as well (as evidenced in his choice to dance with Clem) because he is identifying with the community and finally settling down. When he avenges his brother's death by murdering the Clantons, this only confirms that civilization triumphs over wilderness in the battle. While the audience is not certain as to whether or not Wyatt will return to Tombstone by the conclusion of the film, there is however, hope, because he has established himself in the town and has a lovely woman to return to.
Chris S
6th hour
Savagery vs. Humanity, is more or less an underlying or subtly implied idea in the film, and it is mostly based around Wyatt changing from the beginning to the end. When Wyatt first appears he is very scruffy and unkempt, when we first see Wyatt take out the indian in town his MO is very savage even though its planned out. But as time progresses in the film and characters such as Clementine come into the picture he gradually becomes more and more "Humane" he begins to look and act less like a rogue dog and more like a man of distinction. This is also seen with the town of Tombstone itself, when Wyatt first arrives it is a lawless town run by Doc Holiday but the long Wyatt is there the more we see the appearance of establishments usually signifying a community and not chaos, the establishments are the church and at the very end a school is mentioned.
I think that conflict vs. civilization in My Darling Clementine took the form of freedom vs. restriction. Wyatt gave up his job as a sheriff through freedom vs. restriction even though he was a famous sheriff in his town for a long time. He wanted to be free and spend time with his brothers raising cattle. They went to tombstone and Wyatt's brother was killed causing a problem. This is where restriction fits in because he becomes the sheriff again and ends up helping out the town and seeking revenge on the people who killed his brother. Then freedom kicked in again when Wyatt decided to leave Tombstone and My Darling Clementine after he seeked revenge on the people who killed his brother. And that is how Wilderness vs. Civilization formed to freedom vs. restriction in my opinion.
One of the main themes in the movie My Darling Clementine was the conflict between wilderness and civilization. The movie addresses this in the form of savagery vs. humanity in the west. The Clantons are an example of the savages in the west, and they show the primitive selfish nature of humans in the wilderness, and collide with Wyatt, who represents humanity and civilization in the movie. When Wyatt seeks justice from the Clantons, it shows the struggle for humanity to prevail in the conflict between humanity and savagery, and Civilization between wilderness.
At the beginning of My Darling Clementine, Wyatt Earp and his brothers are free in nature. But James’ murder urges them to go back to civilization. They adapt themselves to the community life. But their experience with human contact is filled with corruption, lies, violence and with more loneliness than if they were in the wild. They might be disappointed, disgusted by that. In my opinion, they take revenge on civilization in the fact that they chase and kill the Clintons (symbols of its bad side). Even if civilization had changed a lot of things in their lives, they show us at the end of the movie, when they leave the town, that wilderness is still intact in themselves and wins the conflict.
Eva C.
6th hour
I think that the conflict of wilderness vs. civilization on MDC is best illustrated through the conflict between savagery and humanity. The clantons represent the savage nature of the west as they kill, lie and cause unrest. The Earp brothers, more specifically Wyatt, represent oder and humanity. The Earps represent humanity through their acts of bravery that were mostly driven by revenge.
brett s. hr 2
When i think of the conflict of Wilderness vs civilization in My Darling Clementine, there is one specific scene that comes to my mind. The scene when Wyatt Earp first arrives with his brothers. He is gruff looking and in need of a serious shave so he goes to the barber to get one. I think this represents Freedom vs Restriction because his shave represented his freedom but he was restricted to a clean look once he got to the town of tombstone. Also, in his old town Wyatt was a sheriff which restricted him to staying in town but he decided to leave town to raise cattle with his brothers which represented his freedom. When he arrived at tombstone wyatt took the job of a marshal after his brother was killed so once again his freedom was taken. at the end of the movie wyatt left tombstone and was free again. The conflict of Wilderness vs Civilization in My Darling Clementine is represented though Freedom vs Restriction.
Josh W
Hour 2
In My Darling Clementine the conflict between wlderness vs. civilization took the form as corruption vs. purity. corruption is shown through the Claytons and purity is shown through the characters Wyatt and clementine. In the beginging when Wyatt and his brothers traveling with cattle there for symbolizing wilderness but wyatt transforms in to civilization or purity because he becomes the marshall to protect the town against the claytons and to get revenge for the claytons killing his brother. the claytons are the symbol for corruption in the movie because they are the bad guys in the movie killing wyatts brother and who spark the revenge and in the end wyatt wilderness still comes alive when they have the shoot out but new order is made and old order restored so wyatt who symbolizes purity ultimatly wins the battle vs. corruption.
suzie h
hour 1
Wyatt Earp is a man of the wilderness, and the movie starts off with him portrayed as so. His gruely mustache, and the appearance of having not taken a bath in quite a while all contribute to this. However, during the entire middle section of the film (starting ~10 minutes in and ending ~10 minutes before end,) he is portrayed as a civilized man, and thus, the conflict between civilization and wilderness emerges. And it would seem, through his gentlemenly behavior, that civilization has won, but alas, we are deceived, as the ending brings us to the sorry stated conclusion that he is in fact still attached to the wilderness, and he rides off into the dessert.
Blair P.
Hour 1
I think in the conflict of wilderness vs. civilization that both end up winning. Civilization wins because the town is building a school and a church, but at the same time wyatt is leaving the town so in a way wilderness wins. In the end both civilization and wilderness win in my point of view.
Jack S.
hour 1
In My Darling Clementine the conflict between wlderness vs. civilization took the form as purity vs corruption. Purity was for Clementine. She was the innocent uncorrupt lady who came to tombstone to get her love back (Doc). She had a lot of class compared to the other ladies there. On the other hand Chiuaua was very corrupt and was the prostitute/whore of tombstone. She got with many of the men there and had no respect for herself. She acted very "unclassy" and she came in between Doc and Clementine throughout most of the movie.
Jennifer C
Hour 1
In My Darling Clementine, the theme of wilderness vs. civilization seemed to be focused on individuals vs. communities. In the beginning Wyatt Earp and his brothers wanted to be alone in the west herding cattle. This individual outlook was changed when the youngest of the brothers was killed. Wyatt Earp decides to stay in the community to figure out who killed his youngest brother, something that shook all the Earp sons. Wyatt transitions to follow the community and become civilized in order to gain the community’s approval as marshall. During the movie, Wyatt shows his true ability to blend with the community during the church scene and proceeds to dance with Ms. Clementine, however, at the end of the movie, Wyatt leaves, after resolving who killed his brother, to go back to the individual mindset.
Kelsey R.
Hour 2
The conflict of wilderness vs. civilization is depicted using freedom vs. restriction. Before he transferred to being a sheriff in tombstone he herded cattle. He was free to go wherever and had nobody to get back at. After the Clanton's kill his brother he is in a sense restricted. He feels that he must fight for justice to get back at what happened to his brother. When he becomes a sheriff in tombstone freedom is lost.
Dani B.
Hour 1
I am choosing to discuss the theme of wilderness vs. civilization through the character of Clementine. When Clementine first arrives in Tombstone it is obvious that she is purely representative of the wilderness side of the debate. She spoke in a more formal manner, she dressed with refined taste in expensive looking materials and detailing. It is obvious that Clementine is not a country girl. However once she spends more time in Tombstone she is not as turned off by its shabby surface as she initially was, and in the end she decides to stay in Tombstone to be the new schoolmarm. This can be viewed in two ways; Clementine is accepting the more simple lifestyle of Tombstone by staying there, so the wilderness has impacted her civilized character, however she is also bringing civilization to Tombstone by establishing a school and teaching the next generation of Tombstone citizens her civilized way.
I think Civilization wins over the town of Tombstone because of what the community is building for the people, for example the church and school house. I would say that Wyatt stays in the catigory of Wilderness because in the end he leaves town to venture off into the desert. I think My Darling Clementine is a good example of individual vs community because in the end the community and the people form a stronger bond together.
Andrew M hr. 1
The conflict with wilderness vs. civilization is shown through purity vs corruption. The group of puritans were Wyatt, Doc Holiday, and Clementine. They showed the good, fair side of Tombstone. Whereas the corrupters were the Clanton's, and we know that they were the evil group because they killed the Wyatt's brother, and stole their cattle. At the end of the movie, the shootout is the good vs. the evil. This fight shows the division in the two different types of people that the Clanton's are, vs. Wyatt, the other marshal, and Doc Holiday. After Wyatt kills all the Clanton's, it is almost as if they whole entire conflict of corrupt vs. purity is resolved.
Molly E.
1st hr.
In My Darling Clementine, the conflict between wilderness and civilization is portrayed through Wyatt and his struggle to settle down in a town that was rapidly growing apart from the life he was more accustomed to. For someone that is used to the rough and tough life of a man of the law in the 'wild west', isn't going to adapt too well to a town such as Tombstone that's building a church and a school house for example. In the movie's case, wilderness comes out on top, proven by Wyatt's urge to leave everyone behind despite the potential love interest that appears to show some feelings for him. Now that he's saved the day and eliminated the evil that plagued the town, Wyatt must follow in the direction his heart takes him. For this hero, a new life and a new adventure awaits.
Victoria S Hour 2
In My Darling Clementine, the wilderness vs civilization conflict takes the form of self-interest vs social responsibility. Clearly the two sides are are played out by the Clantons and the Erps respectively. Wyatt could clearly be controlling the town at gunpoint and getting whatever is in his self interest like the Clantons, but instead he embraces his social responsibility and keeps Tombstone safe from the Clantons. Wyatt even goes as far as trying to arrest Old Man Clanton civilly, with a warrant, instead of succumbing to a lust for revenge and executing him.
At the end of the film, it seems as though that civilization is biginning to conquer wilderness. The raising of the church , as well as Clementine's mention of being the school teacher shows that Tombstone is becomming more civilized. There is a step being taken away from the wild outlaw town that once was Tombstone.
In my darling Clementine wilderness vs. civilization is portrayed through tradition vs. change. Wyatt, Clementine, and the town’s people all stand for change, while the Clantons stand for tradition. When you first see Wyatt you no that he is moving cattle with his brothers but you soon find out that he was the marshal in another town but quit to make a change in his life for the better. Clementine stands for change because she wants to first be with doc. Holiday but she soon wants to be with Wyatt. The town and the town’s people stand for change because they are building a church and at the end you find out that they are planning to build a school that Clementine will teach at. But the Clanton’s stand for tradition because they don’t want the change in the town and they want to still be feared and you can see this in the scene where the actor is in the bar reciting the hamlet’s “to be or not to be” soliloquy and the Clanton’s want him to stop but Wyatt and doc. Holiday as him to continue and doc even finishes it. In the end change beats tradition, when Wyatt has the shoot out with the Clanton’s and he defeats them all.
Hunter carrico~hour 6
The conflict between wilderness and civilization is most apparent if we focus on the character Wyatt more than anything else. Wyatt starts off the movie having just left his home town to live in the wild more as a ranger. He was then eventually dragged back into civilization in the town of Tombstone because he was hell bent on avenging his brothers dead by captureing his killer. He settles back into Tombstone and accepts his new life back in civilization but as soon as he feels he has don right by his brother he then resorts back to his instincts of being in the wild and rides off into the sunset.
Tom B
The Wilderness in my Darling clementine is the wild shoot outs and riding horeses throught the open land. The Civilization part of the movie is the town and the bars. At the beginning of the movie the wilderness one wins and then toward the end when the whole town comes together it starts to become more Civilization. I think it is typical for western type movies to be like this. They all seem to end in the town coming together to overcome a problem.
Andrew D.
6th hour
Wilderness vs. civilization are an aspect of all good westerns, it is mainly portrayed in My Darling Clementine as a fight between the Clantons who are the example of pure evil that the wilderness is able harbor. Wyatt and his brother who revert back to a life of civilization from there wilderness life style, use tombstone as a device to fight the corruption of the town, and ultimately rid the Town of the Clantons and in return keep the Wildness safe for new generations.
-Ross W.
The conflict of individual vs community is the sub-conflict of Wilderness and Civilization. Throughout the movie the main conflict or goal for Wyatt was to single handedly bring order to a corrupted city, with the partail help of his brothers. In the end He does accomplish this and comes out on top by finally avenging his brothers death. However there is another character with the same conflict.That is Doc Holiday, throughout the movie doc undergoes personal reflections on whether or not he is good enough, or qualified, enough to be considered a doctor. His biggest test was when he is forced into opperating on his girlfriend. In this case the civilization has won in the eyes of doc himself because she died so he feels responcible.
Colby C
hour 1
The conflict of wilderness vs civilization is apparent in the conflict between the east and the west. Tombstone is a city in the American West. Tombstone is still being established in a region that is undeveloped. The city has to work against the conditions of the wilderness. The east is still developed. When Clemantine arrives in tombstone from the East she has to get use to the conditions of the west. the East vs the West is used to show thr conflict of wilderness vs. civilization.
Joe S. 6
I believe the conflict of wilderness vs civilization is a mirror of the conflict of freedom vs control. Wyatt was a law-man for a long time before he ended up in tombstone. I believe he got tired of being a part of civilization and decided to return to the wilderness. The church scene is the first time we see him turning back to a man of civilization. This was a temporary change however. Because in the end of the movie he returns to he state of when we first saw him, a man of the wilderness.
john j
hour 2
Conflict between Wilderness and Civilization in "My Darling Clementine" is portrayed through individual vs community. The individual represents the wilderness part of the Western genre. The Hero and the Outlaws are always looking out for just themselves and they'll get rid of anyone in their way of getting what they want to better themselves. It's very much like the whole, "survival of the fittest" idea. Like in "My Darling Clementine" the Clanton's steal the Earps' cattle because they would directly benefit from it. They did kill the youngest Earp brother because he was in their way of getting what they wanted, so they removed him from the equation. Wyatt and his brothers seek revenge on the Clantons to avenge their brother's death.
For the example of civilization in "My Darling Clementine" is the sense of community. The town being built in Tombstone is really coming together and everyone living there are starting to feel a sense of belonging and community. They have a dance to celebrate the almost finished church in the town center; they all help each other. For example, when Wyatt and his brother and Doc were going to face the Clantons, a few of the town's men offered to help, but they weren't "shooting men". So Wyatt used them as distractions that would later run off out of the way.
In this film, it really seems like the individual wins out in the battle between wilderness vs civilization. Mainly because Wyatt helps the town out, yet once he's fulfilled what he wanted accomplished, he rides off into the desert once again.
Jessy R
Hour 2
i think that the conflict between civilization and wilderness in my darling clementine was important because it showed how they do things for the community like build schools and churches for the children to go to. you can see how important clementine is because when they both walk up onto the stage, everyone stops to look at them and they move out of the way because they are so well known and important and they get the center of the floor to dance.
Nick G hr.1
I don't necessarily feel that the film portrayed an overpowering lean towards civilization or wilderness in the conflict between the two. It merely brought both subjects into the light and stressed their importance in the changes and advancements occurring in Tombstone. Civilization was dominant when Wyatt offered up the warrant during the battle at the OK Corral, and was also apparent during the raising of the church and Clementine receiving a position at the school (at the end of the film). Wilderness had an upper hand when problems were still being solved with gunfights, and when Wyatt decides to leave Tombstone with the possibility to cattle again. It seems like civilization has a positive effect because Clem is happy with her new job and the community is headed in a positive and changing-for-the-good direction. At the same time, wilderness still lingers and has a positive effect on Wyatt since he chooses to leave the town (this shows he still has affection for the more rural way of life, even after being exposed again to civilization).
Taylor T Hour 1
In the film, much of the the wilderness is being engulfed by civilization because as people become more accustomed to areas, the way of living changes and people's quality of life increases. The church is a good example because people are happier because of the new things it can offer to them as a town that they didn't have before. Some things on the other hand cannot be changed as easily. Even though Wyatt tries to be "civilized" when he tries to arrest the Clanton's, it eventually leads back to violence which argues they are not becoming more civil. Some things take more time and require more than a church to make real progress.
Ben N. 1st hour
I think it deals a lot over Past over the Future. Since most of the characters either run away from there past lives and go in different transformations. For Protagonist Wyatt he leaves his cattle frontiersman life in the open where there isn't any society relations until he goes into becoming sheriff after his little brother died. Yet he puts that off for a bit and fixes the town first and it dramatically changes into a peaceful growing neighborhood. I also see that with Doc as he tries to get rid of Clementine and go with Chihuahua, yet she dies and he enters the battle of the Coral to forgets about his past.
Richard N Hour 2
I think that towards the end of the movie, especially the last scene of the fight, illustrates the fight of savagery vs. humanity. Wyatt Earp, his brother, and Doc Holliday were forced to kill every one of the Clantons, instead of putting any/all or them in jail or letting them leave the town and never return. In the end, many of the main characters were lost in the fight - lost to the savagery of killing, as opposed to the humanity of mercy.
Patrick D
6th Hour
In My Darling Clementine, the conflict between Wilderness and Civilization took the form of corruption vs purity. The perfect symbol of purity is Clementine, and another is Wyatt. A perfect symbol for corruption is the Claytons. After his brother's murder, Wyatt transforms from a wild man to a civilized one, one representing purity, because he became the towns marshall, in effort to get revenge against the Claytons and kill them as well for killing his beloved brother.
Arman S. hour 6
Hamish Weerasinghe
Hour 1
I believe that the conflict between Wilderness and Civilization in "My Darling Clementime" took the form of Selfishness vs. Selflessness. At first Wyatt enters the town and acts selflessly when he stops the drunk indian at the bar. However, he doesn't accept the job offer to be the Sheriff until his brother is killed, acting in a somewhat selfish manner. Then at the end of the movie, he is finally able to get his revenge and kill the Clantons. He did help the town by ridding them of the Clantons, but he acted for personal reasons and if he was truly loyal to the town, he would have stayed after he had completed his personal goal. So, despite all the good Wyatt did for the town, he was acting primarily in a selfish manner.
The Wilderness vs. Civilization conflict has much to do with individual vs. community. Wyatt saves the town from the drunk native because nobody else will which leads to the town asking him to be their marshall. initially, he refuses. He is not apart of their community and respectfully wishes to pass through the town without any trouble. This changes when his brother is murdered, so he becomes the town's marshall. this is were the transfer begins for Earp going from being more of an individualist, to becoming apart of Tombstone's community. Although Wyatt goes back to his roots by leaving Tombstone, he vows to Clementine that he will someday return. Civilization rules over wilderness because Wyatt Earp brings peace to the town of Tombstone which allows for a happy community.
Trace Brandt Hour 6
The Conflict between wilderness and civilization in My Darling Clementine took the form of purity vs. corruption. Wyatt Earp took the form of Purity, and also wilderness. His constant struggle with the Clantons is showing how both wilderness and society will struggle to rule, and the Clantons represent corruption in civilization. They consistently try to ruin Wyatt, and are constantly wreaking havoc on the town, especially anyone associated with Wyatt and Doc. The fight continues throughout the movie until finally Wilderness triumphs when Wyatt and his gang kill the Clantons.
The topic of Wilderness vs. Civilization relates mainly to the other conflict of community vs. individual because of the many things that occur throught the movie. First off Wyatt refuses to become the town marshall because he's so suttle and doesnt want the problems that come with being head honcho, but when his brother is killed, he takes it personally.He finally accepts the job, but i feel like it was mainly to get sweet revenge upon his brothers killers. Slowly, but surely you see Wyatt's individuality taper off into more of a community effort to take down the men who continuosly murder others. In the end, after destroying the roudy band of hooligans, peace is restored and Wyatt leaves Tombstone acting as if he had just come through for a visit. He promises to return for his dear Clementine someday. Overall Wyatt restores peace and prosperity among the fellow towns people of Tombstone.
Drew K
2nd Hour
The conflict of wilderness and civilization is best represented by purity vs. corruption. The way it is presented in the film is between the characters Clem and the Clantons. Clem came from the east and was protrayed as the average women during that time campared to the corrupt nature of the west or the Clantons. Clem is shown as an innocent women throughout the film as she tries to reconnect with Doc and help civilize Tomestone while the Clantons are continually proventing the progress of Tomestone towards a civilized society by their destructive and corrupt nature. For instance this is shown when they intential provoke the OK Corral fight.
I believe that the Wilderness Vs. Civilization in My Darling Clementine was in the form of savagery vs. humanity conflict. The Clanton's, savagery, were ruthless and took all of Wyatt's cattle and killed his little brother. Then later killed another one of his brothers. Wyatt, humanity, offers the Clanton's the chance to a civil resolution to the problem at hand. Also, the savage Clanton's live in the wild while the humane Wyatt lives in the town of Tombstone. Eventually, humanity triumphs over wilderness in the fight at the OK corral. Wyatt defeats the Clanton's bring order to Tombstone and letting humanity prosper.
Tommy D, 1st hour
The character of Clementine Carter in My Darling Clementine best illustrates the conflict between wilderness and civilization. Clementine is known to have come from the east, which is spoken of being much more refined, organized and advanced than the west. In this case, the east represents civilization and the west represents wilderness. When she leaves her life in the east for a man in the west, it can be seen as leaving civilization for the wilderness. Originally residing in the east, Clementine is used to things like attending church regularly, encouraging and practicing education and a more conservative lifestyle in general. In the west Clementine is exposed to an outdoor church that has just newly been created, little emphasis on education and much violence. In the end, Clementine decides she likes life in the west. Wilderness has won over civilization. However, when she makes the decision to become a teacher in Tombstone, she is showing effort to bring civilization into the wilderness.
Nicole G
Hour 1
Wyatt Erp best illustrated the conflict of wilderness versus civilization in terms of self-interest versus social responsibility. After Wyatt's brother is killed he assumes the role to avenge his death against his killers, the Clantons. But the town is in his way and he gets distracted. He takes on the duties for the town marshall and he emerses himself in his relationships with Clementine and Doc. His goal at first was just to resolve his conflict with the Clantons but he was handed the social responsibility as town marshall with all its duties. Wyatt therefore does not resolve these self-interest issues until the end of the film. Wyatt's intentions changed when he realized he could really help the town to change for the better. Everyone in the town admired him for his courage and he knew he could lead them in a new and better direction. He put off his original goals and sacrificed his time for the towns own good.
Matt Porter
Hour 1
In the film My Darling Clementine, the difference between wilderness and civilization can be seen in the difference between the individual and the community. There is a strong presence of wilderness which can be seen in the individual because of the actions and decisions characters make. They are often times violent actions and decisions that benefit themselves rather than the whole community. While wilderness is connected to the individual, civilization is connected to the community. This makes the characters seem all bad and violent when they are seen individually. However, in the town, the actions and decisions of characters are sometimes made for the good of the community and clearly signify civilization. This makes the characters not seem as bad in the light of how the film and plot are portrayed. These two categories, individual and community, make the difference between how different aspects of the film are seen as either wilderness or civilization.
The conflict between wilderness and civilization is the most significant relationship in these Western Films because civilization is always changing and new ideas, and things are being invented and new ways of life. We see this change in civilization by characters like Wyatt who become more civilized by going to the church dance with Clementine and doing other things like simply getting a shave. He becomes well known in the town and becomes a main part of the town as a friend to some, and the sheriff. His social abilities are good and he protects the town of tombstone quite well. Uncivilized acts like the Clantons causing trouble and the drunk native American show how the town is trying to get rid of old ways and trouble makers, hence making Wyatt Sheriff. I think wilderness will always stand for somewhat of an origin for some who use it to make money or just feel like they belong there. In the end, the civilized order gets the best of the Clantons and Doc Holiday because they are not interested in being an advocater of new civilized ways.
In the film, My Darling Clemintine, much of the the wilderness is being taken over by civilization. As people become more accustomed to areas in which they are living in, the way of living changes and people's quality of life seems to increase. The church is a good example because people are happier with the new things it can offer to the community that they didn't have before. Other things may not be changed as easily. Even though Wyatt tries to be civilized when he tries to arrest the Clanton's, it eventually leads back to violence which argues they are not becoming more civil. Some things take more time and require more than a church to make real progress.
The Wilderness vs Civilization conflict that comes into play throughout John Ford's "My Darling Clementine", is odd in that it seems to flip-flop on its view of which is worse- The West is portrayed as a beautiful, vast landscape, especially in the first few minutes of the film, or a place of misery and lonesome contempt, as can be seen in the scenes where James Earp is found dead and a later scene where Wyatt visits his grave. Meanwhile, civilization in the West is either portrayed as an oafish burden on the land, which is noticable when the Earps first enter the chaotic town of Tombstone, or as a bringer of peaceful new life, demonstrated during the scene at the church-raising dance. In the end, the open West lures the Earps away from tombstone, though whether this can be seen as glorifying the West or portraying the Earps as "ignorant of civilization" is left as unclear as anything else in the movie-spanning conflict.
Teddy P., hour 6
The bad guys, the Clanton gang, want to hold on to ther style of no rules, while the good guys want to stop them and change the wild west.
In My Darling clementine the description of the3 civilized town being better then the savage west is the classic battle of humanity vs savagery. Wyatt comes from savagery but then finds himself in a situation where he becomes civilized by the town he is in for the better.
In My Darling clementine the description of the3 civilized town being better then the savage west is the classic battle of humanity vs savagery. Wyatt comes from savagery but then finds himself in a situation where he becomes civilized by the town he is in for the better.
Q.D Hour 3
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